Although you may share a video clip with your Instagram followers by posting it to your story or sending it to a friend via direct message, Instagram Reels cannot be reshared like tweets.

However, until you plan to destroy your old reel, doing so will lead to repeated content. 

On the other hand, most people consider resharing a viable strategy for expanding the reach of their material.

A user’s number of Instagram followers can be increased through the smart reposting of a reel.

Here is a complete guide on how to repost a reel on Instagram.

Can You Repost Or Share On Instagram?

Though it’s technically not possible, some workarounds enable you to post the reels on your Instagram newsfeed, stories, and direct messages.

Even better, you may just embed the reel films directly into your profile without downloading them individually.

How To Repost A Reel On Instagram

Instagram Reels

Instagram Stories Reels can be shared again in three different ways.

You can re-upload a customer’s Instagram Reel, offer a link to another user’s Reel, or repost somebody’s Reel as a Story on Instagram.

If you want to know how to repost Instagram Reels, you may do it by following the steps outlined below.

Access The Reels Tab In Preview App

  • The first step is to launch the Preview app and select the “Reels” tab at the top of the screen.

Repost Instagram Videos by Tapping the “+” Sign

  • Then, choose the “Repost” option by clicking the “+” button.

Press “+” To Repost Instagram Reels

  • The Instagram app will launch on your device.

Copy The Link Of The Reels You Want To Repost

  • Your Instagram app will open up.
  • Find the Instagram Reels video you want to repost.
  • Press on the three dots “…”
  • Press on “Copy Link”
Copy Link

Come Back Inside Preview

  • Once you press “Copy Link,” come back to your Preview App.
  • Your Instagram Reels Repost will appear in Preview.
  • Press “Done,” and the Reels will appear in your Reels feed.

Change Caption

If you’d like to adjust the caption or hashtags, feel free to do so. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Check out the video at Press the Reels
  • Read the description by clicking the caption.
  • Changing the caption is a breeze right here. Hashtags on Instagram are also searchable.

Change The Cover Picture

  • You can do this if you’d like, but it’s not required.
  • Simply right-click the cover image and select “Edit” to make adjustments.
  • An image from the video can be used as the cover (just slide the slider).
  • Alternatively, you may use a photo from your camera roll to upload your own cover photo by clicking the “Upload Cover image” button.

Post Or Schedule When To Repost The Instagram Reels

Just click the “Post” button if you want to post it immediately. You can predetermine the day and hour of the Reels’ upload if that’s more convenient for you.

Just activate the “Schedule Post” feature.

Repost Reels Using Instagram Stories

Opening a Reel and selecting the “Send” option will allow you to share it as an Instagram Story (paper airplane icon).

paper airplane icon

Remember that you can do this with your own Reel or anybody else’s.

It doesn’t matter who owns the footage; the “send Reel” feature works the same; therefore, sharing Reels to Instagram Stories is the same.

  • From the drop-down menu, choose “Add reel to your story.” 
Add reel to your story
  • Customize the Reel following the requirements of your customer using the Instagram Story editor. You can post text, tag other accounts, and utilize engaging icons such as polls, URLs, and comments.
  • When you’re satisfied with your edits, press “Next,” choose your sharing settings, and tap “Share” to publish the reel on your Story.

Repost Someone Else’s Reel To Your Instagram Story

You must do the following if you find a reel on Instagram that you like and want to share on your story.

  • To create a story on Instagram, access the profile’s highlight reel. Or, you can access all reels at once by clicking the Reels symbol in the middle-bottom of the screen.
  • Furthermore, select the paper airplane icon and select the Add Reel to your Story option to add a reel to your story.
  • To complete adding a clip from someone else’s reel to your Instagram story, click the Your Story icon.
  • For the time being, that’s all there is. You have successfully shared another user’s Instagram highlight reel as your own.

How Does Reposting On Instagram Help Brands?

You need to budget for each Instagram post if you want your content strategy to be successful.

Your content writers put a lot of work into the post’s appearance, and your social media marketing team backs it up.

But imagine if you didn’t have to worry about coming up with content. You realize that it can help you save a significant amount of cash.

You may utilize this extra funding to launch new advertising campaigns, expand your product line, or enhance your order processing software.

This is why marketers need to comprehend how to repost on Instagram.

Instagram re-posts are a time-saving tool. About half of all marketers say they struggle to find the time to create engaging content for social media.

Over seventy-two percent of marketers are looking for ways to reduce the time spent on creating original content.

The participation of the users is also a crucial factor. People are more inclined to share your post if you share theirs and tag them in it when you do so.

Learning how to repost is a must if you want to reach more people on Instagram.

Additionally, unlike sponsored posts, your audience will view shared content as genuine when it comes from other users.

This genuineness piques people’s interest and encourages interaction.

The Final Thoughts

We hope that this article helped answer your query about how to repost a reel on Instagram.

Using the Instagram feature to repost content is a straightforward method for boosting post regularity and interaction.

If you want to share someone else’s Instagram post, you must ask for their permission first.

Posting and reposting on Instagram has always been difficult, despite being one of the most popular features of other social media networks.

Here’s a quick rundown of all the Instagram sharing options, including how to broadcast your feed, stories, highlights, and IGTV videos.