In the 21st century, social media has become an integral part of modern life.

It offers communication, entertainment, and self-expression opportunities, especially for teenagers. 

Social media empowers this age group to express themselves creatively through photos, videos, writing, and art.

According to a report, 51% of teens in the United States visit their social media accounts daily.

Do you want to know how much time do teens spend on social media in 2024?

Just continue reading.

Key Statistics

  • 38.16% of teens spend at least eight hours a day on social media.
  • The average screen time of teens daily is 8 hours and 39 minutes.
  • 95% of teens in the US have used YouTube.
  • Around 4.8 billion individuals globally use social media in 2023, equal to nearly 60% of the global population.
  • The average TikTok use of teens globally has reached 1 hour and 47 minutes daily.
  • Teens in the US spend an average of 90 minutes daily on Snapchat.
  • 55% of US teens said they spend the right amount of time on social media.
  • Only 8% of teens in the US use Facebook “several times a day.”

How Much Time Do Teens Spend on Social Media in 2024?

How Much Time Do Teens Spend on Social Media

The rise of social media platforms and their integration into daily life has made a prevalent activity for all users, particularly among teenagers.

These platforms help teens maintain relationships and connections with friends and peers and smoothly share experiences.

Aside from that, social media expose them to diverse perspectives, various cultures, and global issues. 

The research shows that 38.16% of teens spend more than eight hours on social media, and only 6.10% spend less than an hour.

Because of social media, gaming, and other online activities, the average screen time of teens has reached 8 hours and 39 minutes daily, up from 6 hours and 40 minutes in 2015.

1. Time Teens Spend on Social Media

Here is how much time teens spend on social media, based on a survey:

  • 6.10% of surveyed teens spend less than one hour on social media
  • 8.34% of surveyed teens spend at least 1 to 2 hours on social media
  • 10.70% of surveyed teens spend at least 3 to 4 hours on social media
  • 11.59% of surveyed teens spend at least 5 to 6 hours on social media
  • 13.39% of surveyed teens spend at least 7 to 8 hours on social media
  • 38.16% of surveyed teens spend more than 8 hours on social media
  • 11.72% of surveyed teens are unsure how much time they spend on social media

2. Most-Used Social Media Platform Among Teens in the US

Social media captures the interests of teens as it aligns with their social desires, developmental needs, and technological inclination.

Social media platforms provide a convenient way to connect and be updated with peers, friends, and family.

They can creatively express their talents, experiences, thoughts, and emotions by posting photos, videos, artwork, and compositions. 

In 2022, YouTube was the most-used social media platform among teens in the US.

95% of teens in the country use it to watch or post videos.

3. List of Most-Used Social Media Platforms

List of Most-Used Social Media Platforms

Below is the list of the most-used social media platforms among teens in the US in 2022:

  • 95% of teens in the US have used YouTube
  • 67% of teens in the US have used TikTok
  • 62% of teens in the US have used Instagram
  • 59% of teens in the US have used Snapchat
  • 32% of teens in the US have used Facebook
  • 23% of teens in the US have used Twitter
  • 20% of teens in the US have used Twitch
  • 17% of teens in the US have used WhatsApp
  • 14% of teens in the US have used Reddit
  • 5% of teens in the US have used Tumblr

4. Average Daily Use of Social Media Platforms Globally

According to recent data, roughly 4.8 billion individuals globally use social media in 2023, equal to 59.9% of the global population.

Most users below 18 years old spend 3 to more than 8 hours browsing, watching, chatting, liking, and commenting on social media daily.

The average time spent by teens on TikTok alone has reached 1 hour and 47 minutes.

Let’s take a look at the average daily use of social media platforms among teens globally:

  • The average daily use of TikTok among teens globally has reached 1 hour and 47 minutes
  • The average daily use of Snapchat among teens globally has reached 1 hour and 12 minutes
  • The average daily use of Instagram among teens globally has reached 45 minutes
  • The average daily use of Facebook among teens globally has reached 20 minutes
  • The average daily use of Pinterest among teens globally has reached 16 minutes
  • The average daily use of Twitter among teens globally has reached 10 minutes

5. Average Social Media Use Among Teens in the US

Among social media platforms in the US, TikTok has the highest average daily time spent compared to others.

Teens in the country use TikTok for an average of 113 minutes daily.

Here is the average social media use among teens in the US by platform:

  • US teens spend an average of 113 minutes on TikTok daily
  • US teens spend an average of 90 minutes on Snapchat daily
  • US teens spend an average of 20 minutes on Pinterest daily
  • US teens spend an average of 18 minutes on Facebook daily
  • US teens spend an average of 13 minutes on Reddit daily
  • US teens spend an average of 10 minutes on Twitter daily

6. What Teens Think About Their Time on Social Media?

Social media can be helpful and harmful, depending on its usage, the context in which it is employed, and how much time users spend.

A survey shows that 55% of US teens said that the amount of time they spend on social media is “about right,” and 36% said they spend “too much” on social media.

Only 8% said it is “too little.”

7. How Frequently Do US Teens Use the Top Social Media Platforms?

How Frequently Do US Teens Use the Top Social Media Platforms

In terms of the frequency of teens’ use of the leading social media platforms, YouTube and TikTok maintain their top positions.

Among the 95% of US teens who use YouTube, 41% use it “several times a day.”

On the other hand, out of the 67% of teens in the country who use TikTok, 32% use it “several times a day.”

The following are the percentages of US teens who use the top social media platforms “several times a day” and “once a day” in 2022:

  • 41% of US teens use YouTube “several times a day,” while 17% use it “once a day.”
  • 32% of US teens use TikTok “several times a day,” while 9% use it “once a day.”
  • 29% of US teens use Snapchat “several times a day,” while 7% use it “once a day.”
  • 27% of US teens use Instagram “several times a day,” while 12% use it “once a day.”
  • 8% of US teens use Facebook “several times a day,” and another 8% use it “once a day.”


While social media offers numerous advantages, such as connection, creative expression, and access to information, excessive usage can lead to negative consequences.

These include sleep disturbance, anxiety, decline in face-to-face interactions, and cyberbullying.

Users are encouraged to set time limits and engage in various offline activities to ensure a healthy social media experience.

Data reveals that the average screen time of teens is around 8 hours and 39 minutes daily.

More than 38% of teens spend at least eight hours on social media, and only 6% spend less than an hour.

That’s how much time do teens spend time on social media.

Thanks for reading our article.


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