Graphic design is a form of visual communication that is mainly used by businesses and individuals all over the world.

The design can be digital, physical, and more. It seeks to achieve certain objectives using symbols, text and images visually using various tools and elements.

The original forms of graphic design were discovered in cave paintings that were used to keep records, tell stories and provide vital information. Things started to change in the 1920s when art began to be modern through the introduction of new fonts.

Graphic design applications came to the limelight in 1984 when Apple launched its first computer, and these helped designers to come up with awesome designs. Today we look at the different types of graphic design that you will come across.

Corporate Design

When you start a business, you will hear terms such as branding and identity. These are ideal for the uniqueness of the business. Each business has a story to tell its audience, and it uses a variety of visual aspects to do this, so make sure you really focus on how to hire a graphic designer for your company.

Corporate design is all about design and strategy. Design incorporates typography, logos and colors while strategy is all about branding.

Packaging Graphic Design

A long time ago, packaging was all about protecting the product but times have changed and at the moment it can help businesses to increase sales. The design of the package has the capacity to communicate the story of the brand. Long gone are the days when the packaging had no meaning – at the moment it needs to grab the attention of the consumer because of the high competition.

For companies that are manufacturing products, the need for graphic design services to develop the shape, graphics and determine the style of the package is mandatory.

Publication Graphic Design

This is the process of putting together text and images to support the internal content in a visual way. When designing the graphics of a publication, you need to consider where it will be published and the format accepted by the publisher.

Some examples of designs in this category include books, newspapers, newsletters, magazines, annual reports and more.

The designer needs to be sure of what practices and traditions the publisher works for. This is because each publication serves a different purpose, which means a different design is necessary for each of them.

Website Graphic Design

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A website has become one of the best digital salesmen for businesses across the world. Each company needs a user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing website to talk about the company and offer a platform for showcasing goods and services.

The job of the designer is to put together elements including images, text and others to make a site that is pleasing and easy to use. Remember the design of the website can add or reduce on the curiosity of the visitor.


These are just a few of the top graphic design types. Others that you can come across include 3D graphic design, environmental graphic design, advertising graphic design and many more.