If you have SEO services, then you know it’s an investment that pays off in traffic and revenue for your website.

If you’re not sure if you need to worry about optimizing your site for search engines, you’re probably missing out. 

The right service can help you maintain a cost-effective and profitable SEO strategy, while also monitoring your organic search performance. These are only a few of the benefits you get from the right SEO service provider.

However, do you know what your search engine optimization services should include? If not, keep reading to ensure you’re getting what your site needs to thrive.

What You May Want Your SEO Service To Include

Different SEO services can offer different tools, but some are fairly common. You may even be able to pick and choose the services that best fit your site.

As previously mentioned, every service is different. However, some of the features you should consider include everything from an SEO audit to reports, and ROI tracking.

Customized SEO Strategy

Okay, you probably don’t want a cookie-cutter-type service.

Customized SEO Strategy

What works for one website may not be the best option for yours. Thankfully, this is rarely a problem. Most SEO services allow you to customize your strategy.

Why do you want a customized approach to SEO? A lot of it is to ensure you get the biggest ROI (return on investment).

This starts with ensuring your website is at the top of the search engine results. Did you know that approximately 25% of online searchers never click past the first page of results? 

If your website is popping up on the second search result page, you’re probably not getting a lot of organic traffic. This means fewer sales and lower profits.

Start With An SEO Audit

Don’t panic at the thought of an audit. An SEO audit is a good thing, unlike a visit from the IRS.

What is an SEO audit? This happens when the SEO service provider takes a really deep dive into your current strategy. The audit is designed to look at your current metrics, including issues and performance.

If you don’t have an SEO strategy, don’t worry. This is common and doesn’t mean that you’re out of luck. The service can still perform an audit. Instead of examining your SEO strategy, the audit looks at your website. 

They’ll examine your website’s performance using basic SEO practices to see where improvements and/or changes are necessary, which will also make it noticeably easier to create an effective SEO strategy.

However, not all SEO services offer audits, so if the service you’re interested in using doesn’t perform audits, you may want to consider looking for another one.

On And Off Page Optimization

Chances are you expect on-page optimization from the SEO service. In fact, this is something pretty much every service provider offers.

The goal of on-page optimization is to make your site more attractive to search engines like Google.

Search engines look for specific metrics when ranking a website. This includes everything from the speed and design of your website to the content and images. Meta descriptions, headers, and title tags are also part of on-page optimization.

While every SEO service offers on-page optimization, if they don’t, you should take your business elsewhere; not everyone is concerned with off-page optimization. This is a mistake that often affects your search engine results.

Just because you can’t easily see what’s going on behind the scenes doesn’t mean that it’s not important, and a great example of this is your backlink profile.

Did you know it affects search engine results? Knowing who’s linking to your site is a vital part of SEO that some services can ignore.

Provides Monthly Reports

You may not want to read another monthly report. Chances are, you’re getting enough of them from other aspects of your business. However, this one is important and not something you want to send to your spam folder. 

Even though you have an SEO service handling the details, don’t you still want to know if you’re getting results? No, seeing an uptick in sales isn’t enough to ensure the services you’re paying for are doing their job.

So, what should be included in your SEO report? This will vary depending on your site and service plan, but some of the metrics you should expect to see will include:

  • Leads generated
  • Organic traffic
  • Rankings
  • Sales generated

A good idea is to plan your monthly team meetings around the SEO report. This way, your team is up-to-date, and you can discuss what, if any, changes are necessary in your SEO strategy.

ROI Tracking

ROI Tracking

Return-on-investment or ROI tracking lets you know if your money is well-spent, which should be an automatic part of your business and marketing strategies. 

After all, if you don’t know how your SEO plan is performing, you won’t know if any changes are necessary.

You may be missing out on traffic and sales or paying for ineffective services. Either way, your bottom line is suffering.

So, what should you expect to see in ROI tracking?

  • Number of leads generated from SEO
  • Number of sales closed from SEO
  • Total sale value from SEO-generated leads
  • Average sale value from SEO-generated leads

Even though ROI tracking isn’t a necessity, like ongoing optimization or even monthly reports, it’s still a good idea to include it in your SEO services.

Remember, the more information you have, the easier it is to make effective decisions about your digital advertising strategy.

Generate First-Party Data

Okay, this is a powerful tool that isn’t always offered as a part of a standard SEO service package. However, it’s a great add-on, especially for your online marketing campaigns.

Generating first-party data means you can easily optimize things like customer emails. You can time the emails to land in customers’ inboxes to encourage them to make a purchase or even visit your site.

Get The Most Out Of Your SEO Services

SEO services equip businesses with a suite of robust tools essential for enhancing website optimization and boosting traffic, thereby directly contributing to an uptick in sales—a universally beneficial outcome. 

In selecting an SEO provider, it’s crucial to identify one that delivers a comprehensive range of services tailored to elevate your website’s visibility and performance in search engine rankings, ensuring your online presence is both prominent and competitive.