Welcome to the exciting world of user experience statistics!

If you’ve ever wondered why some products feel much more intuitive and user-friendly than others, you’ve probably already experienced the power of good user experience.

And if you’ve ever been frustrated by a poorly designed product, then you know just how important UX is for creating a seamless and enjoyable user experience.

From user engagement to customer satisfaction and loyalty, there are a host of metrics that show just how valuable a great UX can be.

So, whether you’re a startup just launching your product or a well-established company looking to improve your UX, this article will provide you with the statistics and data you need to make a strong business case for prioritizing UX.

As we delve into the numbers, you’ll discover just how impactful UX can be for your brand, your users, and your bottom line. 

Post Contents

Key UX Statistics

  • Bad user experience (UX) causes companies to lose 35% of their sales
  • User experience (UX) investments offer a 9,900% return on investment
  • Up to 89% of users may transfer to a competitor’s website because of a bad user experience
  • Almost 90% of internet users are less likely to return to websites with bad user experience
  • Poor usability is the reason why 70% of internet businesses fail
  • Only 1% of users feel that e-commerce sites match their expectations
  • If consumers have one negative experience with a brand they adore, 32% of customers will switch
  • Videos can influence 73% of people to make a purchase of a good or service

General User Experience Statistics in 2024

User Experience Statistics

1. Bad user experience (UX) causes companies to lose 35% of their sales

According to a research by Amazon Web Services (AWS), poor user experiences (UX) are costing e-commerce companies a staggering 35% of their sales.

This translates to a loss of $1.4 trillion in 2020 alone.

On the other hand, companies with good UX are predicted to generate $5.4 trillion in worldwide e-commerce sales in 2020.

This means that companies with good UX are poised to generate $4 trillion more in sales than companies with poor UX. 

(Amazon Web Services)

2. User experience investments offer a 9,900% return on investment

It is worth remembering that every dollar spent on user experience (UX) design has a potential return of 9900%.

This means that for every dollar invested in UX, businesses could potentially see a return of $99.

This is a significant return on investment, and it is one that businesses cannot afford to ignore.

In today’s competitive marketplace, businesses need to focus on providing their customers with the best possible experience.

And UX design is essential for creating a positive customer experience


3. Up to 89% of users may transfer to a competitor’s website because of a bad user experience

According to research by Zippia, the average time it takes for users to determine whether or not to stay on your website is less than 15 seconds.

This means that you have a very short window of time to make a good first impression and convince users to stay on your site.

If users have a bad experience on your website within the vital first 15 seconds, they are more likely to leave the site and switch to a competitor.

This is because users are quick to form opinions about websites, and they are likely to remember their negative  experiences longer than their positive experiences.


4. Almost 90% of internet users are less likely to return to websites with bad user experience

Toptal, a global marketplace for freelance talent, highlights the importance of user experience (UX) in e-commerce, with 90% of online visitors less likely to visit websites with poor UX.

This means that if your e-commerce website has a bad UX, you are at risk of losing out on a significant amount of potential customers. 

In addition, a study by Walker found that 88% of people will not return to a website they had a bad experience with.

This means that once you lose a customer due to a bad UX, it is very difficult to get them back.

This is why it is so important for e-commerce websites to prioritize UX.

By investing in UX, you can create a website that is easy to use and enjoyable for your customers.

This will result in an increase of your  customer satisfaction, loyalty, and big  revenue.


5. Poor usability is the reason why 70% of internet businesses fail

Because of poor user experience (UX), over three-fourths of all online businesses fail, which emphasizes how crucial UX actually is. 

The majority of failed online businesses had poorly designed websites.

Slow-loading websites alone cost business owners $6.8 billion per year.

Given the vast number of websites that online users can browse, maintaining a competitive edge and fostering customer loyalty require strong user experiences.


6. Only 1% of users feel that e-commerce sites match their expectations

Only 1% of online buyers are happy with the e-commerce websites they deal with, which is one of the most depressing user experience statistics. 

This could be the cause of the 53% of mobile users who claim to exit websites in 3 seconds or less if they don’t live up to their expectations.

For most web pages it takes a lot longer for them to load.


7. 75% of users rely their judgment of a website on its appearance

devices user

Users form opinions about your website in just 0.05 seconds, claims Kinesis Incorporation.

94% of user impressions are influenced by design.

When a website is built poorly, even with high-quality information, it becomes useless. 

Studies of user behavior have found that visual appeal and website navigation have the most impact on people’s first impressions of your business. 

According to research, positive priming can improve user experience, and as one might anticipate, unfavorable first impressions have a large negative impact on user satisfaction.

 (Kinesis Inc)

8. If consumers have one negative experience with a brand they adore, 32% of customers will switch

According to PWC, poor user experience can still destroy your business even if you gain a large following and devoted clients. 

According to 32% of surveyed people, if they even have one negative experience with a brand they love, they will voluntarily stop using it.

The proportion of consumers in Latin America is even larger.

49% of respondents responded that they would abandon a brand in a similar situation.


9. Good user experience generate huge return on investment

A strong return on investment is produced via good user experience. 

Although it can be challenging to quantify the return on investment for UX design, studies have shown that businesses that put a strong emphasis on design perform significantly better than the average.

For instance, a research by the Design Management Institute found that over a 10-year period, design-centric businesses beat the S&P index by 228%.

User experience can still be worthwhile even if you don’t have a lot of money to spend on it.

For instance, you would have gained a 50% profit if your $1,000 website investment resulted in a $1,500 increase in revenue.

(Interaction Design Foundation)

10. Videos can influence 73% of people to make a purchase of a good or service

Videos can influence 73% of people to make a purchase of a good or service

Website UX specialists agree that using videos on websites is one of the best user experience methods.

Videos can be a powerful tool for engaging users, communicating information, and persuading them to take action.

A study by Wyzowl found that 73% of study participants said that watching a video on a service or product would sway them to make a purchase.

This suggests that videos can be a very effective way to increase sales and conversions.

In addition, a study by HubSpot found that 58% of respondents think businesses that create video content are more trustworthy.

This suggests that videos can also help to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

(SEO Daily)

11. Users are 88% less likely to visit a website again if the user experience (UX) is poor

According to a Toptal study, 88% of online users are less likely to visit a website again after a negative user experience.

This statistic highlights the importance of providing a good user experience (UX) for your website visitors.

A bad UX can lead to lost customers and revenue.

There are a number of things that can contribute to a bad UX, such as slow page loading times, difficult navigation, and irrelevant content.

Businesses need to identify and fix these problems in order to improve the UX of their websites. 

The same study also found that slow loading times cost businesses $2 billion in missed revenue annually.

This shows that slow loading times can have a significant impact on a business’s bottom line. 

On apps, 90% of users claimed to have stopped using an app due to low performance.

This statistic shows that app performance is just as important as UX.

If an app is slow or buggy, users are more likely to abandon it.


12.  When a user experience (UX) is good, 23% of users tell 10 or more people

When users have a positive user experience, 23% of them will tell 10 or more others about it, which can result in significant word-of-mouth marketing.

This is due to the fact that people are more willing to share pleasant than negative experiences with others. 

In fact, studies have proven that one of the most efficient types of marketing is good word-of-mouth.

However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that a poor user experience can have an equally potent effect on word-of-mouth advertising; 13% of individuals claim they would tell 15 or more people about an unpleasant online experience. 


13. 73.1% of web designers, a non-responsive design is the main cause of users leaving a website

Billions of people use mobile devices to access the internet, so it is essential for websites to be optimized for desktops and smaller screen sizes.

This means that the website should be responsive, meaning that it will automatically adjust its layout and design to fit the size of the screen it is being viewed on.

A survey of more than 200 web designers and independent contractors found that not having a responsive design is the top reason users would leave a website.

This is because users expect websites to look good and work well on their mobile devices.

If a website is not responsive, it can be difficult to navigate and use, which can lead users to abandon the website.

(Good Terms)

14. 94% of consumers don’t trust websites that are out of date

User experience statistics show that most people no longer trust dated websites. 

According to a thorough study by YouGov, 94% of internet users will leave a website that appears to be out of date and doesn’t adhere to the most recent trends.


15. Due to bad user experience, developers spend 50% of their time redesigning projects

Due to bad user experience, developers spend 50% of their time redesigning projects

The cost of repairing poor user experience later in the development process is higher than the cost of employing a professional UX design firm early on since developers redesign projects for half of their time as a result of terrible UX, according to a data analyst.

This is due to the fact that a solid UX design approach aids in identifying and resolving possible difficulties early on, before they develop into expensive bugs or usability problems. 

A well-designed product is also simpler for customers to comprehend and use, which can boost their level of pleasure and loyalty.


16. Your website’s conversion rate could increase by up to up to 400% with an improved UX design

Based on a study by a data analyst in LinkedIn, Up to 200% more people may convert on your website thanks to a well-designed user interface, and up to 400% more may do so thanks to an improved user experience (UX) design.

The final consideration for many business owners when making any kind of financial investment is the potential return that the company may experience once the digital product is operational.

Every user is a prospective consumer with great purchasing power for apps and websites. 

Businesses who invest in user experience design tend to be able to convert more users into customers than those who utilize poor design psychology in their digital goods, according to research.


17. Negative user and consumer experiences are shared by 46.7% of consumers

Marketing Charts report that 46.7% of consumers  said they’d tell their friends about their bad shopping experience through email, phone, or in person compared to just 44% who said they’d do the same if they had a great time.  

According to a 2018 survey by Marketing Charts, 46.7% of consumers who had a negative user experience or customer experience stated they shared it with their peers by email, phone, or in-person.

When they had an excellent user experience, only 44% of people stated they did the same.

Additionally, others are more inclined to post about their unpleasant experiences on websites like Facebook, Twitter, and TripAdvisor.

(Marketing Charts)

18. Increased site speed of 0.1 seconds increases purchases

The Milliseconds Make Million research claims that a 0.1-second increase in site speed can positively impact the user experience (UX) and boost revenues. 

In addition to other improvements in the factors for a better UX such as page views, conversion rates, and average order value, the analysis indicated that this enhancement led to an 8.4% increase in conversions among retail customers and a 9.2% rise in average order value. 

Luxury websites saw an 8% boost in page views, while those in the travel business saw a 10.1% rise in conversions.

The effects are diverse across productions.

(Deloitte – Milliseconds Make Millions Report)

19. 75% of people use a website’s appearance to determine its credibility

According to polls, 75% of people determine a website’s legitimacy depending on how it looks and feels overall.

This means that first impressions matter, and users are more likely to trust and do business with websites that have a good user experience (UX).

A bad UX can lead to users abandoning a website quickly, in as little as 3.42 seconds.

This can be caused by a number of factors, such as slow website loading times, confusing navigation, irrelevant content, and poor design.

(The Pop Web Design )

20. Mobile apps are only utilized once in 25% of cases

Mobile apps are only utilized once in 25% of cases

According to statistics, 25% of smartphone apps are only utilized once.

This means that 75% of apps are used more than once, but it is still a significant number of apps that are abandoned after just one use.

The fact that apps with poor UX are likely to fall within that 25% is a clear indication of the importance of a positive user experience.

Users are more likely to abandon an app if it is difficult to use, frustrating, or not meeting their needs. 

It is also worth noting that the percentage of apps used just once has remained relatively consistent over the past decade. 

If we look at the stats for the prior years (up to 2010), we can say that the percentage of apps used just once is consistently between 20 and 26%.

This suggests that there is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to the UX of mobile apps.


21. If an image loads slowly, 39% of visitors will stop using the website

The fact that 39% of internet users claim they will leave a website if the graphics take too long to load or don’t load at all may not surprise any of us impatient surfers.

This statistic is just one example of how important user experience (UX) has become in the digital age.

User experience statistics blatantly demonstrate that outdated websites with subpar usability and UX are no longer competitive.

In today’s fast-paced world, users expect websites to load quickly, be easy to navigate, and offer a visually appealing and engaging experience.

If a website fails to meet these expectations, users are simply going to go elsewhere.

(Ninja Tables) 


User Experience is a crucial part of creating and maintaining a successful website, app, product, or service.

It is essential for creating products and services that people love to use.

When users have a good UX, they are more likely to be satisfied, loyal, and productive.

UX designers need to focus on the needs of the user and design products and services that are easy to use, accessible, engaging, and aesthetically pleasing.

UX is an essential part of any product or service that wants to be successful.

By investing in good UX research and implementation, you can improve: User satisfaction, User loyalty, User engagement, Brand reputation, and Reduced costs. 

With that in mind, it’s clear to see that investing in UX is essential.

Luckily, achieving a great UX through a bit of know-how, customer research, and intuitive software is easier than ever.

Thanks for reading our article on the latest user experience statistics!

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Zippia 2Toptal 2Forbes 2
Zippia 3LinkedInGoodFirms
The Trillion Dollar UX ProblemStatistaYouGov
Interaction Design FoundationDeloitteSEO-Daily
PopArt Studio Web DesignPwCMarketingCharts
Ninja TablesKinesis