The effective management of social media platforms is not just about posting updates; it’s about creating an impactful online presence. 

So, the importance of a dedicated social media manager cannot be overstated for any company that wants to succeed in the modern digital marketing era. 

It is a sought-after and lucratively paid profession, but do you possess the necessary skills?

In this article, we will explore the essential skills to become a great social media manager and how to acquire as well as improve them.

The Role of a Social Media Manager

Skills To Become A Great Social Media Manager

A Social Media Manager is the digital orchestrator, effectively managing a brand’s online presence. 

Beyond routine updates, they shape a narrative that connects with the audience, defining the brand’s personality. 

Content creation is strategic, aiming to capture attention and elicit emotions, and a social media manager is a master at it. 

They excel in community engagement, cultivating meaningful connections, and fostering brand loyalty. 

Staying ahead of industry trends is not optional but crucial, ensuring the brand’s virtual voice remains relevant and innovative in the dynamic digital landscape.

Top Skills To Become A Great Social Media Manager

Let’s unravel the essential skills needed to become a top social media manager.

1. Communication

Effective communication in social media management extends beyond the art of clear messaging; it’s about fostering a meaningful dialogue with your audience. 

A skilled social media manager doesn’t just broadcast information but actively engages with followers. 

This involves responding promptly to comments, addressing concerns, and acknowledging positive interactions. 

Tools like social media listening platforms, such as Hootsuite or Brandwatch, can aid in understanding audience sentiment, helping managers tailor their communication strategies for maximum impact.

Resources for Skill Development:

  • Courses: Platforms like Coursera offer courses in social media communication and engagement.
  • Books: “Everybody Writes” by Ann Handley provides insights into creating compelling content for online audiences.
  • Webinars: Participating in webinars by industry experts can offer practical tips on effective communication.

2. Writing

Writing for social media demands brevity, creativity, and a keen understanding of the platform’s tone. 

Beyond just captions, social media managers often craft longer-form content for blogs or articles. 

Tools like Grammarly can help enhance writing skills by providing real-time feedback on grammar and style. 

Additionally, staying updated on trending hashtags and viral content can inspire fresh approaches to writing, keeping content relevant and engaging.

Resources for Skill Development:

  • Online Writing Platforms: Medium and LinkedIn are excellent platforms to practice and showcase writing skills.
  • Content Creation Tools: Tools like Canva help with visuals and offer templates for creating impactful written content.
  • Writing Communities: Joining writing communities on platforms like Reddit or writing-focused forums can provide constructive feedback and tips.

3. Creativity

Creativity is the secret sauce in social media management.

It’s about more than just aesthetics; it’s about innovating and staying ahead of trends. 

Social media platforms constantly introduce new features, and a creative manager seizes these opportunities. 

Following industry influencers, attending virtual workshops, and exploring trending content on platforms like TikTok can spark fresh ideas. 

Collaborating with graphic designers or leveraging user-generated content can also add a unique flair to the creative process.

Resources for Skill Development:

  • Online Design Courses: Websites like Skillshare offer courses in graphic design for beginners.
  • Inspiration Platforms: Pinterest and Behance are platforms where creative minds showcase their work, offering inspiration.
  • Creative Thinking Books: “Steal Like an Artist” by Austin Kleon provides insights into unlocking creativity in various fields.

4. Project Management

Project Management

Social media management involves juggling multiple tasks and timelines. 

A social media manager needs to be adept at project management to ensure everything runs smoothly. 

Tools like Asana or Trello can assist in organizing content calendars and tracking project progress. 

Understanding agile methodologies can be particularly beneficial for adapting strategies on the fly and responding to real-time trends.

Resources for Skill Development:

  • Project Management Tools: Familiarize yourself with tools like Asana, Trello, or through online tutorials.
  • Agile Training: Online platforms like offer courses on agile methodologies, enhancing adaptability in project management.
  • Time Management Courses: Platforms like LinkedIn Learning offer courses on effective time management, a crucial aspect of project management.

5. Marketing Knowledge

A successful social media manager is well-versed in marketing principles.

Beyond basic knowledge, continuous learning is key. 

Keeping up with industry blogs, attending marketing webinars, and obtaining certifications in digital marketing (e.g., Google Analytics certification) are valuable ways to stay informed. 

Collaboration with marketing teams within the organization can also provide insights into broader marketing strategies.

Resources for Skill Development:

  • Digital Marketing Certifications: Google Digital Garage and HubSpot Academy offer certifications in digital marketing.
  • Industry Blogs: Following blogs like Neil Patel’s or Moz can keep you updated on the latest marketing trends.
  • Networking Events: Attend virtual marketing conferences or networking events to learn from industry experts and professionals.

6. Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Data analysis in social media management is the compass that guides decision-making. 

It goes beyond merely tracking likes and shares; it involves delving into the metrics that truly matter. 

A skilled social media manager employs tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, or Sprout Social to gain insights into audience behavior, content performance, and conversion rates. 

By understanding these metrics, they can optimize content strategies, identify peak posting times, and tailor campaigns for maximum impact. 

Additionally, proficiency in data visualization tools like Tableau or Power BI can transform raw data into compelling narratives, aiding in more informed decision-making.

Resources for Skill Development:

  • Analytics Courses: Platforms like Udemy and Coursera offer courses in social media analytics.
  • Advanced Analytics Tools: Explore advanced features of analytics tools through their official documentation and tutorials.
  • Data Visualization Workshops: Participating in workshops on platforms like LinkedIn Learning can enhance skills in presenting data effectively.

7. Graphic Design Skills

Graphic Design Skills

While creativity is essential, having graphic design skills takes social media content to the next level. 

Social media managers don’t need to be professional designers, but a grasp of design basics is invaluable. 

Tools like Adobe Spark, Canva, or even the more advanced Adobe Creative Cloud can help create visually stunning content. 

Understanding color theory, typography, and composition enhances the visual appeal of posts, making them more shareable and memorable. 

Following design trends, participating in design challenges, and seeking feedback from design communities can refine graphic design skills over time.

Resources for Skill Development:

  • Online Design Courses: Platforms like Skillshare and Lynda offer comprehensive courses in graphic design.
  • Design Challenges: Participating in design challenges on platforms like Behance or Dribbble can provide practical experience.
  • Community Feedback: Joining design communities on social media platforms or forums allows for constructive feedback and learning.

8. Time Management

Time Management

Effective time management ensures consistent posting schedules, timely responses to audience engagement, and the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. 

Social media managers can benefit from adopting the Pomodoro Technique, breaking tasks into manageable intervals with short breaks in between. 

Utilizing social media scheduling tools like Buffer or Hootsuite allows for strategic content distribution planning, freeing up time for more strategic tasks.

Resources for Skill Development:

  • Time Management Apps: Apps like Toggl and RescueTime help track and manage time effectively.
  • Productivity Workshops: Participate in online workshops on platforms like Skillshare or LinkedIn Learning focused on time management.
  • Task Prioritization Techniques: Explore methodologies like the Eisenhower Matrix for effective task prioritization.

9. Adaptability

The social media landscape is ever-changing, and adaptability is the secret weapon of successful managers. 

This skill involves staying abreast of platform algorithm changes and swiftly adjusting strategies in response to real-time trends. 

Social media managers should be agile, willing to experiment with new content formats, and quick to capitalize on emerging opportunities. 

Following industry thought leaders, attending virtual conferences, and participating in online forums are avenues to stay adaptable and innovative.

Resources for Skill Development:

  • Industry Blogs and Newsletters: Subscribe to newsletters and blogs like Social Media Today or Buffer for the latest updates.
  • Online Forums: Engage in discussions on platforms like Reddit or specialized forums to stay informed.
  • Agility Training: Explore agile methodology courses to understand how they can be applied to social media management.

10. Customer Service Skills

Customer Service Skills

Engaging with the audience on social media is more than just posting content; it’s about building relationships. 

Customer service skills are vital in managing comments, addressing concerns, and turning negative experiences into positive interactions. 

Social media managers need to be empathetic, responsive, and solution-oriented. 

Customer relationship management (CRM) tools can streamline communication and help track customer interactions, ensuring a personalized and positive experience.

Resources for Skill Development:

  • Customer Service Courses: Platforms like Zendesk or HubSpot Academy offer courses in customer service.
  • CRM Software Tutorials: Familiarize yourself with popular CRM tools like Salesforce or HubSpot through online tutorials.
  • Social Listening Tools: Tools like Brandwatch or Mention can aid in monitoring brand mentions and sentiment, enhancing customer service strategies.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I improve my writing skills for social media?

Explore online writing courses, read extensively, and practice crafting different content styles.

What tools can help with data analysis for social media?

Google Analytics, Hootsuite, and Buffer are popular social media data analysis tools.

How vital is adaptability in social media management?

Incredibly important.

Social media trends change rapidly, and being adaptable ensures staying ahead.

Can I become a social media manager without a marketing background?

Yes, many successful social media managers have diverse backgrounds.

However, gaining marketing knowledge is beneficial.


Becoming a great social media manager is not just about mastering one skill but a combination of several.

Continuous learning and adaptation to industry trends are essential. 

By honing the skills to become a great social media manager we discussed, aspiring social media managers can meet and exceed their role’s expectations.