Ken Shipley, an Internet Entrepreneur and Technology Pioneer, became known for his talented Web Design and Graphic Art work.
He has been pushing the boundaries of Tech to innovate and build his company , Search Antigua Inc.
The company started with the single purpose of bringing all the websites about Antigua & Barbuda under one umbrella.
Today the company has quickly grown into many different emerging sectors including social media & online advertising, and mobile applications by using sophisticated software some of which have been custom designed specifically for his company.
As a pioneer he has expanded the brand not only in Antigua but throughout the region.
He is focused on always using new and improved technology that makes many of life’s tasks more efficient.
Never satisfied with the status quo and dedicates a lot of focus on finding new ways to get things done.
Receiving this award means so much, not only for Search Antigua Inc, but for all the young talent in Antigua and Barbuda.