LinkedIn is the go-to platform for professionals looking to expand their network, connect with industry leaders, and find potential employees. 

However, building a substantial LinkedIn network from scratch can be time-consuming and challenging.

This is where buying LinkedIn employees comes in. 

In this article, we will explore the 5 best sites to buy LinkedIn employees, enabling you to enhance your professional network and increase your chances of success.

Best Sites To Buy LinkedIn Employees in 2024

1. Media Mister

media mister buy linkedin employees

Media Mister is a reputable platform offering targeted LinkedIn connections to professionals aiming to strengthen their presence.

With their services, you can acquire high-quality LinkedIn employees, followers, likes, and views tailored to your preferences.

👉 Buy LinkedIn Employees


  • Targeted LinkedIn connections: Media Mister allows you to choose the industry or location of the LinkedIn employees you purchase, ensuring that your network aligns with your professional objectives.
  • High-quality and genuine profiles: Media Mister provides actual LinkedIn employees who actively use the platform, enhancing the engagement and authenticity of your network.
  • Excellent customer support: Media Mister has a dedicated support team that promptly assists customers, addressing any concerns or inquiries that may arise during the process.


  • Some users may have higher prices: Depending on your budget, Media Mister’s pricing may be slightly higher than other platforms. However, the quality and targeting options make it a worthwhile investment.
  • Limited refund policy: Media Mister has a limited refund policy, so it’s essential to carefully consider your purchase before proceeding.

2. GetAFollower

getafollower buy linkedin employees

GetAFollower is a reliable platform that offers customizable LinkedIn employee packages to professionals seeking to expand their network quickly and efficiently.

Their services can help you boost your LinkedIn presence and attract valuable connections.

👉 Buy LinkedIn Employees


  • Customizable LinkedIn employee packages: GetAFollower provides flexibility in choosing the number of LinkedIn employees you wish to acquire, allowing you to tailor your network growth to your needs.
  • Quick delivery of services: GetAFollower understands the need for prompt results. They strive to deliver your LinkedIn employees promptly, ensuring you can connect and engage with professionals immediately.
  • Affordable pricing options: GetAFollower offers competitive pricing options, making it accessible to professionals with varying budgets.


  • Some profiles may be less active or less relevant: While GetAFollower provides genuine LinkedIn employees, there is a possibility that a few profiles may be less active or less relevant to your specific industry or goals.
  • Limited information on the website: The platform’s website may lack detailed information about its services and processes. It’s recommended to contact their customer support for any additional inquiries.

3. Buy Real Media

buy real media buy linkedin employees

Buy Real Media is a platform that provides high-quality LinkedIn employees to professionals aiming to strengthen their connections and professional network on LinkedIn.

👉 Buy LinkedIn Employees


  • High-quality LinkedIn employees: Buy Real Media ensures that the LinkedIn employees you purchase are genuine, active users who can contribute to the growth and engagement of your network.
  • Reliable customer support: Buy Real Media offers dedicated customer support, assisting you throughout the process and addressing any concerns or questions.
  • Affordable pricing: Buy Real Media provides cost-effective pricing options, making it accessible to professionals with different budgets.


  • Lack of customization options: While Buy Real Media delivers high-quality LinkedIn employees, the platform may have limited customization options regarding industry or location targeting.
  • Potential for slow delivery times: Depending on the demand and other factors, the delivery of LinkedIn employees may take longer than expected. It’s essential to consider this when planning your networking strategy.

4. UseViral

useviral - best sites to buy linkedin employees

UseViral is a trusted platform that specializes in helping professionals grow their LinkedIn network by providing high-quality LinkedIn employees. 

With their services, you can quickly enhance your connections and establish a solid professional presence on LinkedIn.


  • High-quality LinkedIn employees: UseViral ensures that the LinkedIn employees you receive are genuine and active users. This authenticity adds credibility to your network.
  • Quick delivery of services: UseViral understands the importance of timely results. They strive to deliver your LinkedIn employees promptly, allowing you to expand your network without delay.
  • Competitive pricing: UseViral offers cost-effective packages, making it affordable for professionals looking to boost their LinkedIn connections.


  • Limited customization options: While UseViral provides high-quality LinkedIn employees, the customization options for targeting specific industries or locations may be limited.
  • Potential for fake or low-quality profiles: As with any platform, there is a slight risk of encountering profiles that may not meet your expectations. However, UseViral aims to minimize this possibility and ensures a satisfactory experience.

5. SidesMedia

sidesmedia buy linkedin employees

SidesMedia offers a convenient solution for professionals seeking to expand their LinkedIn network quickly and effortlessly.

With their range of LinkedIn employee packages, you can find the one that best suits your needs.


  • Wide range of LinkedIn employee packages: SidesMedia provides various packages, allowing you to choose the number of LinkedIn employees that aligns with your goals and budget.
  • Real and active LinkedIn connections: SidesMedia focuses on providing genuine and active LinkedIn employees who can actively engage with your content and contribute to your professional network.
  • Secure and confidential transactions: SidesMedia prioritizes the security and privacy of its customers, ensuring that your personal information and transactions remain confidential.


  • Relatively higher prices: Compared to some other platforms, SidesMedia’s pricing may be slightly higher. However, the quality of their LinkedIn employees justifies the investment.
  • Possible delays in delivery: While SidesMedia strives to deliver LinkedIn employees promptly, occasional delays may occur due to high demand or other factors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is buying LinkedIn employees legal?

Buying LinkedIn employees is legal, as it involves connecting with real users who have consented to be part of your network.

How do these services acquire LinkedIn employees?

These services leverage their network of LinkedIn users who are willing to connect with other professionals and expand their network.

Can I choose the industry or location of the LinkedIn employees I purchase?

Many of these services offer targeting options, allowing you to specify the desired industry or location of LinkedIn employees.

Are the LinkedIn employees provided by these services genuine?

Yes, the reputable services mentioned in this article provide actual LinkedIn employees, increasing the credibility of your professional network.

Will buying LinkedIn employees guarantee immediate success?

While buying LinkedIn employees can boost your network, success ultimately depends on the quality of your interactions, content, and engagement with your connections.


Expanding your LinkedIn network can significantly impact your professional growth.

By leveraging the services provided by the top 5 best sites to buy LinkedIn employees, you can acquire high-quality LinkedIn employees who will enhance your network and open doors to new opportunities. 

Remember to choose a service that aligns with your goals, preferences, and budget to ensure a successful LinkedIn networking experience.