While men have historically dominated the corporate world in every way, this is quickly changing as we speak.

Women are becoming a much more prominent force in many industries across the world, spanning from entry-level employees to C-suite executives.

In the U.S., however, men are still the predominant business owners, accounting for 63.2% of all registered organizations.

There are many reasons why the business landscape is changing and becoming more diverse.

Statistics prove this is a good thing, and corporate demographics will only continue to become more unique as time goes on.

For this article, we’re going to focus on male vs female business statistics to show how things have changed over time and what the near future might look like.

Key Statistics

  • When it comes to business ownership, men account for 63.2%, women for 22.2%, and 14.5% are male and female-owned
  • Revenue for women-owned businesses was 34% lower in the first year compared to men in 2019
  • 4.7% of male-owned businesses are franchises, compared to 4.2% of women
  • 58.5% of all entrepreneurs are men and 41.5% are women
  • Women earned 88% of what men earned in 2022
  • The average gender pay gap in 2022 was $74,168 for men and $65,390 for women
  • 9.4 million workers are employed by women-owned businesses
  • One-third of businesses worldwide are owned by women
  • Roughly 50% of all startups in the U.S. are founded by women
  • In 2022, 36.9% of all leadership roles went to women

Male vs Female Business Statistics: A Surface Level View

Male vs Female Business Statistics

While many people look at the male vs female debate as a competition, more diversity in the corporate world has been a great thing.

Not only is it encouraged in many ways, but they can also feed off each other for increased success.

Men may have traditionally shaped the modern corporate environment, but many women are putting their own spin on things.

Even if this has caused some controversy over the years, it has led to a lot of positive changes.

The following statistics will provide a general overview of the topic while focusing on statistics that really stand out.

1. Diving Into Business Ownership

Considering what’s possible in the United States, statistics on business ownership will become more diverse as the years pass by.

Whether they’re solo entrepreneurs, friends, colleagues, or couples trying to start a business, many people like the idea of making their own way in business.

Data shows that more people are taking this risk in the U.S., and it’s starting to make a noticeable shift in the mix of men and women in business.

Here’s the gender breakdown of business ownership in the United States:

  • Men = 63.2%
  • Women = 22.2%
  • Men and Women = 14.5%

While modern society shifts itself away from a male-dominated one, this is bound to come with a substantial amount of change to corporate norms.

For example, many men and women are bound to choose different industries, executive methods, marketing materials, and more.

Although more and more women are entering the business environment on their own terms, there are quite a few challenges in front of them.

There are a number of reasons for this, but highlighting data from 2019, women had a harder time with their first year in business than men.


2. A Unique Challenge of Female-Owned Businesses

Keep in mind that this particular data point focuses on 2019 and has definitely changed each year.

Nevertheless, it showcases that female-owned businesses, especially those who are just getting started, have a harder time increasing their revenue compared to men.

Statistics tell us that female-owned businesses that are in their first year come out with revenue levels that are 34% lower than men’s.

What’s also notable is that these women also experience slower revenue growth in general.

Of course, this isn’t the case for every woman, but there’s enough data to support its reality.

There are many reasons for this, and they are bound to be the topics of many heated discussions, but this hasn’t stopped these women from pushing forward.

Finding success is more attainable than ever, and many of these new entrepreneurs can see that from a mile away.


3. Franchising is Still Popular

Franchising is Still Popular

The figures may seem minimal compared to other popular business models, but there are plenty of men and women who are interested in franchising.

4.7% of all male-owned businesses are franchises, and for women, it’s 4.2%.

This particular business model definitely isn’t for everyone, as it takes a certain level of dedication.

However, with the right approach, it can be extremely rewarding, and it’s a business model that’s seeing pretty even ownership between men and women.

You’re bound to see differences in management styles among men and women as well.

There may be a few stereotypes, but the reality is that the franchises that provide universally good service generally win in the long run. 

Most people don’t know which gender is running the show.

As long as they have a positive experience with the staff and product, they’ll be back.


4. Data on Entrepreneurs

The term entrepreneur covers a broad scope of individuals.

While they navigate the business world, being an entrepreneur doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a CEO.

Due to this, data collected on this demographic can be very convoluted, as it includes a broad range of business professionals.

Breaking this down by gender, 58.5% of entrepreneurs are men, and 41.5% are women.

Once again, these numbers include many different individuals, each of whom find their way through the corporate environment, hopefully on their own terms.

There’s an immense amount of opportunity in business, and even though some may seem “gender-locked,” this hasn’t stopped thousands of men and women from pursuing their dreams.

While it’s true certain routes can be harder for some than others, nothing is stopping men or women from creating a business of their own.


5. Pay Gap Between Men and Women Entrepreneurs

We can all assume that this data point isn’t the case for every man or woman, but averages can give you a pretty clear look at the reality of the situation.

In 2022, women earned 88% of what men did for that year.

This is why you hear so much talk about gender pay gaps, as people delve into the various reasons it exists.

Here’s what that percentage looks like with a little more clarity:

  • Average male income = $74,168
  • Average female income = $65,390

For 2022, women earned 88 cents for every $1 men earned.

There are plenty of people who don’t focus on this, nor do they think it actually exists, but the data doesn’t lie.

While you could go down a rabbit hole chasing the reasons it exists, many other entrepreneurs continue to push through the corporate grit to build their own businesses.


Men-Only Business Stats

Men-Only Business Stats

Focusing on business statistics related to men only, this section will highlight the subtle shifts that are occurring in the corporate world.

While most stats used to entirely focus on men, some categories are starting to dwindle as more women enter the mix.

Regardless of the men vs women focus, men still have a sturdy grip on many aspects of the business environment on a national and international level.

In some cultures, only men are allowed to engage in some aspects of business. 

Of course, when it comes to the U.S., you’ll find a lot more diversity in any market.

Below are a few key statistics related to the modern man in business.

6. The Minority of Business Owners are White Men

This may be shocking to some, but white men have been the minority in business ownership in the U.S. since 2021.

When compared to the number of women and Latin-owned businesses in the country, white male business owners come out as the minority.

While male-owned businesses account for 12.5 million organizations, while women and Latin-owned businesses combined account for 18.1 million.

This doesn’t account for businesses owned by other cultures among men and women.

The point is that the corporate landscape in the United States is rapidly becoming more diverse by culture and gender.

Many people are happy to accept these changes as it has led to many new, unique businesses, products, and experiences for people to enjoy.


7. Who Do Men Work With In Business?

This isn’t so much about who men partner with on paper but those alongside them who help to navigate the business forward.

Professionals like accountants, attorneys, and consultants are a part of this data point.

Review the chart below for more insight on the types of professionals men work with in business.

Points scored

While there are plenty of men who try to go it alone, it isn’t uncommon to partner up in business.

Utilizing the knowledge, skillsets, and resources of other professionals is an essential part of growing any organization.

This data also shows which types of professionals are needed more than others when it comes to a growing business.


8. Men Start Businesses Earlier in Life

This is on average, but men tend to start their business ventures earlier in life compared to women.

You can look at this a few different ways.

40% of men start their businesses before the age of 35.

On top of that, 8% of them start before 25 years old.

It’s an unquestionable sense of ambition among many males.

Even if their ventures don’t succeed, many people can’t help but take a shot.

Part of the modern scope of media plays into this, as men see other successful men and want that for themselves.

There are many unique reasons that drive some men to pursue a business of their own.

Around 56% of men spend up to half of their days working.

Not only is this a necessity in many cases, but it highlights how many men are willing to sacrifice most of their time for their business.


9. Median Revenue for the First Year in Business

You can assume that this figure isn’t the case for every man who starts a new business, but it isn’t far off for many of them.

For men, the median revenue for the first year in business is roughly $75,000 and around $91,000 for the second year.

Keep in mind that this particular data point comes from 2019 and will surely change from year to year.

There is a long list of reasons that play into this number, and it’s almost double what women experience during their first year in business on average.

Nevertheless, many men find success in their first year, while others take years to get off the ground.

In many ways, gender doesn’t have anything to do with this, but it can depend on how you look at the situation.

As with any man in business, some years are bound to be more profitable than others.


10. Male-Dominated Industries

Even if the corporate landscape is becoming more diverse as time goes on, there are still a handful of industries that are primarily made up of male professionals.

While a lot of this has to do with where these industries started, some of it comes down to general interest among males across the world.

Simply put, there are some industries that many women could care less to be a part of.

Here are several of the most male-dominated industries and job titles throughout the world:

  • Construction = 90%
  • High-tech manufacturing = 87%
  • Metal and machinery = 87%
  • Engineering = 86%
  • Architect = 77%
  • Politician = 74%
  • Surgeon = 51%

This list could go on forever, but the same could be said for women.

Overall, there are many industries that will inherently remain male-dominated based on different gender interests alone.

Men are bound to be more interested in some industries compared to women and vice versa.

However, this also adds to the disproportion of genders in certain job titles among various male-dominated industries.

While some see this as a necessary evil, some aren’t okay with it all, and many others simply pay no mind to these particular facts.


Women-Only Business Stats

Women-Only Business Stats

Considering the increasing influence women have had on the corporate world in recent decades, you’re going to find they’re a significant part of statistical information.

They’re a vital catalyst in many of the progressions the business world has seen for decades.

Unfortunately, they still remain under-represented in many ways.

No matter how many challenges they face, many women still find significant success in a male-dominated world.

There’s plenty of room for opportunity and growth, and the following statistics highlight the level of success women have found in business.

11. Women Employ Millions of People

Those who are disconnected from developments in the corporate space may not realize just how many people are employed by women.

From a general viewpoint, there are roughly 9.4 million people who are employed by women.

From small to large organizations, there are many women leaders out there who are some of the best in the world.

Not only that, but they have a loyal workforce underneath who has plenty of good things to say about them.

Women have been influential in business for a long time, and the numbers can’t be ignored.

There are plenty of solo female business owners, but there are many others who happily employ others.


12. Share of Business Ownership Worldwide

Looking at business ownership on a global scale, women are at the helm of one-third of all organizations.

That’s impressive, to say the least, and also shows just how fast the business landscape is changing.

In many ways, women are already dominating many industries that were created and previously male-dominated.

While there are some industries that find notorious interest in women, there are plenty that were either created by women or are driven by a niche group of women.

Regardless of how you break it down, women are a leading force in businesses all across the world.

This is likely to become more prominent as time goes on, and more women find interest in building their own businesses.

These shifts in business have been going on for some time now, but we’re starting to see rapid change over the last ten years or so.


13. States With the Most Women-Owned Businesses

In the United States, you’ll find that some states have many more women-owned businesses than others.

Some of this comes down to coincidence, while other facts may include demographics, culture, and even religion.

Nevertheless, there are a few states throughout the country that are known for having the most businesses owned by women.

These areas include the following:

  • Washington D.C.
  • Florida
  • Colorado
  • Vermont
  • Georgia

This doesn’t account for the vast number of women-owned businesses all throughout the country.

You won’t find a sole reason as to why those states above have so many women-owned businesses, but it’s something that people are more than happy to see. 

There are so many factors that play into a woman’s decision to become a business owner.

While some are extremely driven to do so, others may not see the point at all.

No matter which angle you look at it from, more women are becoming interested in business ownership.


14. Women in Leadership

Although many of these statistics focus on business ownership, there are a large number of women who play vital roles within organizations.

We’re also seeing a significant shift in male-dominated leadership.

For 2022, 36.9% of all leadership roles went to women, and this is a 3.6% increase from 2016, which was 33.3%.

Keep in mind that this figure is focused on the global stage.

It’s a good look nonetheless; even if it’s a slow burn, it’s headed in the right direction.

Many people believe more gender diversity in the corporate world is needed.

It’s true that some aspects can seem heavily one-sided, which generally leads to many one-sided decisions.

People are simply looking for more balance, and the increase of women in business is making it happen slowly but surely.


15. Raising Money for Business Ventures

Raising Money for Business Ventures

Another challenge many women face in business is raising money for the venture they have in mind.

Data tells us that 64% of female entrepreneurs end up raising less than $10,000 for their venture.

It’s important to note that this information only covers data that includes 500 correspondents from the U.S.

Even so, if this percentage is true, then you can only imagine what it might look like in different parts of the world.

Once again, there are many unique factors that play into this particular statistic.

Inexperience, education, a bad pitch, or even sexism can have a factor in how much money a woman is able to raise for her business venture.

Many people would argue with some of those angles, but these situations prove themselves time and time again.

There’s also an entire demographic of professionals who don’t try hard enough and never see the success they envision.

Business can be a ruthless landscape, and women face a list of steep and unique challenges.

The Bottom Line

As the landscape of the corporate world continues to shapeshift with each passing year, many of these statistics will seem more balanced.

We’re going through an era of more diversity across the board, and women are becoming a much more dominant force in business.

This has led to a long list of positives for everyone involved, and a little more competition has never hurt anyone.

In this article, we broke down a variety of interesting male vs female business statistics that showcase just how diverse the business world actually is.


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