When we put our hearts and souls into an email campaign, it’s devastating that our subscribers never receive the message. You will only be able to please your subscribers or get a return on investment (ROI) if you plan your campaign strategy, design, and development.

One of the most nebulous, misunderstood components of sending a great email is ensuring your message arrives in the recipient’s inbox or passing the email deliverability test.

One common misunderstanding among marketers is the difference between delivery and deliverability. Despite their frequent synonymy, the two concepts are quite distinct. Underneath, we’ll draw some distinctions between the two.

Differentiating Between Email Deliverability And Email Delivery

What separates delivery from deliverability is whether or not the message reaches its intended recipient mailbox.

Below, we’ll delve a bit deeper into both to provide more context:

Email Delivery 

Can the receiver receive your communication?

Please don’t confuse this with the inbox/spam folder distinction; it specifies whether or not the recipient opens your email. If your email doesn’t appear in your recipients’ inboxes, it was never successfully delivered.

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Acceptance of a sent communication is what we mean when discussing delivery. Is the website or email address active? Is there a block on your IP address?

Picture an email as a harried businesswoman rushing to reach a meeting. If the delivery goes smoothly, the passenger will have made it to the right airport. She then presented her passport and boarding card to airport security, who deemed her a low-security risk and allowed her to proceed to her gate.

Like postal mail, when an email is delivered, it simply means it has arrived at its destination, which may be the primary mailbox or the spam folder.

Email Deliverability

Does it make it to the inbox?

Placement in the inbox is another name for this after-delivery state. As a result of deliverability, an email may be routed to the inbox, the spam folder, or somewhere else entirely.

Let’s get back to our trip analogy. After going through airport security and finding her gate, our passenger wants to get to her final destination.

A package’s deliverability can be compared to a passenger’s final destination. Most passengers are delivered to the airport without incident, but in the event of extreme weather or other complications, the conference may be moved from Dallas to Houston (deliverability).

There are three components to deliverability:


Refers to the group of protocols, such as Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), and Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance, that demonstrate your identity when you send an email (DMARC).


An email’s perceived reliability, measured by its sender’s reputation, is a numerical value. Although your reputation score will vary depending on the company and the ISP, the most straightforward approach to improve it is to have subscribers act positively (by, for example, recognizing you as a trusted sender).


Is the message you’re sending your audience appropriate and pertinent? Are you mixing bad copy with bad formatting to give readers a boring email experience?

Based on your previous sending habits, strange formatting may affect how well your email is delivered. To have the greatest impact, adjust your message to reflect the concerns of your audience.

Most of the reasons an email ends up in the inbox or spam folder are related to identification and reputation. Imagine yourself in line for an airport security check. You will only get past the first counter if you have a ticket. Additionally, if your name is on the no-fly list, you cannot travel.

Delivery problems could indicate a problem with your infrastructure, a list of invalid email addresses, or enough unfavorable user behavior to justify blocking you. On the other hand, deliverability concerns suggest that your sending and permission procedures may need to be updated, illegal, or that your subscribers may not be interested in your material.

Don’t worry if these descriptions made you a little anxious. We’ll discuss ways to increase email deliverability in part after this one so that subscribers will receive engaging emails every time they are sent.

Why Does Email Deliverability Matter?

You can improve your strategy and reach your target audience by monitoring your email’s deliverability or the percentage of times it makes it into the inbox rather than the spam folder.

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If you care about being heard and understood, then you should care about email deliverability. A lack of deliverability, especially a persistent delivery problem, might cause a domino effect. Branding, engagement, and return on investment are just a few of how this could affect your firm.

What Factors Affect Email Deliverability?


Algorithms used by mailbox filters track send volumes and historical trends. Your email send limit is gradually increased during an email warm-up to establish your credibility as a reliable account. A ramp-up phase will help you enhance campaign efficacy because a sudden increase in volume could send your communications to the spam folder.


Reputation in emails is hard to gain and easy to lose. Keep your frequency in mind as you start sending emails regularly. If you bombard readers with too many messages, they might unsubscribe, and you might get spam filter alerts for sending too many messages.

Email Structure And Content

The deliverability of emails is also influenced by email content. Ensure your subject line, preheader text, body material, and photos are pertinent despite their lessened impact. The built-in filters of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) assist in identifying spam and preventing it from entering the mailbox.

Avoid using “spammy” language and formatting whenever possible.