There are people out spending several weeks and sometimes months looking for their ideal job.

So, how many applications does it take to get a job these days?

The following article will address this and some facts about job hunting you should know. 

If you’ve sent out hundreds of job applications just to either get nothing back from the company, or you get a rejection letter or email, the information in this article may help you overcome your obstacles and challenges.

We will discuss how many job applications need to be sent before you even get noticed, get an interview, and get a job.

Since the workforce, labor market, and the job market are all in flux, things can be confusing. 

Key Statistics

  • It takes an average of 21 to 80 job applications just to receive one offer from an employer.
  • On average, one corporate job listing/offering gets around 250 applications.
  • 51% of those seeking work get a job offer after 3 interviews.
  • Sending two to three applications per day improves your chances of getting attention from hiring managers.
  • In 2021, there was only an 8.3% chance of getting an interview from a single application.
  • 61% of employees reported that their job is different from what they learned about it in the interview.
  • 67% of job seekers say that job listings should include benefits, salary, employee reviews, and other pertinent data.
  • 70% of applicants think that online applications should be no longer than five steps.
  • 80% of jobs are filled via networking.
  • 70% to 80% of job applicants are rejected before getting an invitation to interview.

How Many Job Applications Does It Take to Get a Job in 2024?

1. The most recent job statistics reveal that an average of 21 to 80 applications are needed to get just one job offer.

The latest statistics show that it takes an average of 21 to 80 job applications to get one single job offer.

That’s quite a large range of applications, but honestly, it’s hit or miss in the current job market. 


2. On average, the corporate sector sees 250 applications per job opening.

One of the reasons it takes so many applications nowadays is that big companies get about 250 per job posting.

Some are quickly rejected due to lack of hard skills, while others are just not seen.


3. 51% of applicants in the labor pool that get an offer have had three interviews.

What does it mean that 51% of job applicants get a job offer after three interviews?

This statistics relates to how 51% of recruiters say that the best job candidate is discovered after their third interview. 

(Recruit CRM, Zippia)

4. You can increase your chances of getting an interview by applying for two to three jobs per day.

You can increase your chances of getting an interview by applying for two to three jobs per day.

While it makes sense that the more job applications you send out, the more apt you are to get a job interview and ultimately a job.

However, in this case it’s related to getting your application seen by hiring managers.


5. 2021 statistics revealed that there is an 8.3% chance of getting an interview from one application.

While an 8.3% chance of getting a job interview from a single application seems dreary, there is still that chance.

However, can you count on that 8.3?

This translates into the need for 10 to 20 job applications just to get a single interview.

(Hire Lehigh)

6. 61% of employees claim that their job isn’t what they were told it would be in their interview.

Does it sound familiar that you went on a job interview, got an offer, and then took the job just to discover that it wasn’t what was described to you in the interview?

You aren’t alone. You’re in good company among 61% of employees today.

Whether that’s bait and switch or not is complicated.


7. 67% of people looking for jobs said they think more information should go into job descriptions.

more information should go into job descriptions

How do you feel about having more information in job listings?

Data shows that 67% of people looking for jobs think that job descriptions should include salary, benefits, location, employee reviews, and commute time


8. 70% of applicants think that online applications should be no longer than five steps.

How many hoops did you have to jump through the last time you filled out a job application?

Was it more than 5 steps?

Statistics show that 70% of job applicants believe that online applications should include no more than a 5-step process.

What do you think?


9. 80% of jobs are filled via networking.

One of the reasons human resources professionals and hiring managers suggest that you network is because 80% of jobs are filled that way.

Your personal and professional connections can help you get a job faster than filling out hundreds of job applications online. 


10. 70% to 80% of job applicants are rejected before getting an invitation to interview.

applicants are rejected before getting an invitation to interview

As we discussed in an earlier statistic, the massive volume of resumes and applications received by recruiters and hiring managers virtually ensures that between 70% and 80% will be rejected right off the bat.

The 20% to 30% that get seen are those who stand out.

(Recruit CRM)


What are employers looking for?

Most job listings include the education level and the requirements for getting the job listed, but what do employers look for besides skills directly related to the job role?

You can have all the skills to apply for a job, but if you don’t have these additional skills not directly related to the job, you may be passed over for others. 

Soft Skills Needed for Any Job:
1. You need strong and clear communication skills.
2. Time management skills are a must.
3. The ability to solve problems and engage in critical thinking is vital for any job.
4. You must be a team player in today’s workforce.
5. Your EQ (emotional intelligence must be high to see things from the perspectives of others. If you have empathy, you are ahead of the game.
6. A solid grasp of everything digital.
7. A proactive mindset and the willingness to take some initiative at work.

How many job applications per day do I need to send out?

The average number of job applications you need to send out daily is two to three just to get the attention of the management or hiring manager. 

However, it’s bad form to send out multiple applications to one job.

What are the biggest challenges in job searching today?

We have a little advice for you that we researched online to help you learn the challenges and how to overcome them in your job search.

1. If you need a job, any job, and you need it now you will seem desperate and are more likely to apply for jobs that aren’t right for you. Avoid this desperation and try for some temporary positions or part-time jobs in the meantime.

2. Not knowing what you want can hinder you from getting gainful employment. For instance, if you’re not happy with your job, yet you’re unsure of what you want to change about it, you will be tempted to become scattered in your job search efforts.

3. Take some online assessments, read some books about careers you think you would like, network with people working in a career you think you would like, and/or work with a staffing agency to help you narrow your career options.

4. Most really good jobs aren’t advertised to the public, so if you’re not finding anything open in your field or skill set, try attending some networking events to connect with hiring managers in your local area.

5. If you’re not getting interviews (challenging), it may be time to look at your resume or let someone you trust look at it for you. Make sure you’re using a resume that has the specific skills in a job listing and personalize your cover letter.

6. If you’re getting interviews but no offers, check online for commonly asked interview questions and start practicing them to be more prepared. Don’t be shy in an interview if you want that job. Don’t be afraid of asserting yourself. 


Now we all know that it takes an average of 21 to 80 job applications per person just to get noticed enough to get an offer from an employer/hiring manager. 

It can also take 100 to 200 job applications to get noticed by a hiring manager or employer depending on how many resumes and applications they get.

We know that corporate companies get 250 per job listing.

One of the things that can help you is networking, and another is working to make your resume stand out from all the others that are getting rejected.

By using the tips and ideas we have found for you, you may be able to increase your chances of at least getting an interview and ultimately the job you want.

We hope that we have given you some things to think about in regard to the question, “How many applications does it take to get a job?” in 2023. 


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