Many people dream of having a swimming pool in their backyard. But, due to the costs involved, it remains just that, a dream.

However, a DIY approach could offer a realistic solution for homeowners and property investors.

Swimming pool companies offer many services from design to installation. Yet, swimming pool firms can charge handsomely for their work.

Therefore, cutting out the middleman so to speak could reap benefits for homeowners.

Anyone involved with fixing and flipping or real estate investment would also gain from reduced investment costs.

Is It Possible To DIY A Swimming Pool?

There are many highly skilled DIY enthusiasts across the country. This makes it a simple question to answer.

It is perfectly feasible to install a swimming pool by yourself. However, certain considerations need to be made.

There are many stages before a swimming pool can be successfully installed. And this is why most people use swimming pool companies to implement their plans.

Nonetheless, firms such as DIYPoolsandSpas offer an alternative way to install hot tubs and swimming pools.

Installing a swimming pool can be complicated. For even the most adept DIY enthusiast there is considerable work to be done from planning and design to plumbing systems.

To enable DIY inground pool installations, it can help to utilize subcontractors.

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Why DIY Instead Of Using A Professional Pool Company?

There are perhaps three main approaches to inground swimming pool installation. The options are as follows.

  • Complete DIY pool installation
  • Semi-DIY pool installation
  • Employ a pool company for the installation

What happens when you hire a swimming pool company is that they will often use subcontractors to carry out the installation once the planning side has been completed.

Using DIY for your pool avoids both pool companies and subcontractors. But, will result in a large time-consuming job that you may not be qualified for.

So, the other option is to cut out the swimming pool company and head straight to the professionals who are usually subcontracted for this work.

The benefits of utilizing subcontractors from DIY pool companies include:

  • Time-saving
  • Cost saving
  • Access to proper equipment
  • Skilled professionals
  • Experience

DIY hot tub and pool companies offer a kind of hybrid option. While you have control over your project and can be involved in a DIY capacity, you also have access to experienced professional subcontractors.

Comparing The Costs Involved

A DIY approach won’t be for everybody so it is worth comparing the costs as some people will prefer to pay for a complete service.

The average swimming pool price is around $35,000. However, the cost can range from under $30,000 to $65,000. Add in lighting and hot tubs and you’ll see your project costs soar.

Trying to DIY a pool on your own may lead to unexpected costs. As mentioned, inground swimming pools are complicated to install. Mistakes made will lead to repair work and extra costs that will hit your budget.

Yet, using a DIY swimming pool company may save time and money. Pool installation can take up to 12 weeks including the planning stage.

Cutting out swimming pool companies with hefty waiting lists could speed this up considerably.

And hiring DIY subcontractors for your pool project could save up to $20,000 according to one company’s website. The reason why is that pool companies hire subcontractors at a premium.

What Considerations Are There To Factor In?

The estimated costs of swimming pool installation are just that; estimates. You will need to carry out a realistic and thorough cost comparison before selecting your approach.

Consider your goals. Are you an investor looking to add value to your property before selling? Or are you a homeowner who simply wants a pool for pleasure?

Are you happy to involve yourself in a DIY project that may take months, or do you need professional help and a quick completion?

Here are some of the factors surrounding swimming pool installation.

What Skills Are Required?

Hiring a swimming pool company means you need not worry about your DIY skills. Of course, you will have ideas about how the pool should look and where it should be placed in your backyard.

But, by and large, your swimming pool company will carry out all the work. If you choose to DIY the project you must consider your experience and comfort level. Inground swimming pools require excavation, electrics, and plumbing.

A better approach then may be to head to a swimming pool subcontractor who specializes in helping homeowners achieve their goals.

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The Design Aspect Of Your Pool Project

DIY pool projects are becoming more popular now. By sidestepping the pool company, you might think the design process will suffer. This is not necessarily the case.

Of course, swimming pool companies have professional designers. Taking a DIY approach though may lead to more involvement in the design aspect.

Many DIY subcontractor companies will help plan your pool project and provide customized design services.

DIY design can save time. Swimming pool companies may take weeks or months to finalize designs.

A DIY approach means you can take your design to be rendered and then constructed.

Added Value To Your Home And Increase ROI

Property owners all want their homes to rise in value. And there are many people involved in real estate as a way to make a living.

The most common way for individuals to enter the real estate business is through flipping and fixing.

Adding a pool can add value to a home. But, some investment is needed. To get the most out of a pool’s ROI, costs need to be kept down.

Often, house flippers and real estate businesses use private money loans. Financing will impact the ROI of property investment.

Therefore, using a DIY approach to swimming pool construction will reduce costs and increase the return on investment.

Permits And Building Codes

Swimming pool companies understand permit permissions and building codes. But, so do pool builders. Using subcontractors means using the same skilled workers that swimming pool companies hire.

The difference is, there won’t be a premium to pay. So, either of these options should result in a stress-free installation as far as building codes go.

However, if you take a total DIY approach and try to work without any professional help you must research local regulations regarding swimming pool construction.

Guaranteed Work And Warranties

Using professional swimming pool builders will lead to guaranteed work. These companies will be insured as well.

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There are 1,590,000 swimming pools in Florida alone. Plus, millions more across the states.

Most of these pools will have been built by swimming pool companies. Nonetheless, guaranteed work is available through DIY pool subcontractors too.

Quality Control

Making a profit on property investment is obviously vital for house flippers. Therefore, quality is one of the most important elements of property investment.

And homeowners expect renovations and improvements to meet a certain standard too.

Pool companies will offer certain guarantees. But, the subcontractors involved in DIY pool construction are the same professionals.

The Best Approach To Swimming Pool Projects

There isn’t one best approach as everyone has different requirements and skill levels.

On one hand, a swimming pool company will manage every aspect of pool planning and construction. But, at a price.

DIY pool companies offer a different approach. If you make your swimming pool plans and use a DIY company you will save weeks of planning and thousands of dollars. However, this approach requires a certain level of involvement.

A completely solo DIY approach requires expertise, skills, and equipment that you may not possess.

Pool construction is not simple, and professional help may still be needed for electrics and plumbing.


For many, the idea of a swimming pool in their garden will remain a dream forever. But, a DIY approach gives the possibility of a more affordable way to construct a pool.

And for those involved in real estate investment, using subcontractors directly instead of swimming pool companies will lead to a higher ROI.