Pets are an integral part of many people’s lives, providing companionship, love, and support.

So, how many pets are in the world & US?

In fact, there are over 1 billion pets in the world, and the United States has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world.

In this resource, we will take a look at how many pets there are in the world and in the United States.

We will also share some fun facts about pets and discuss the benefits of pet ownership.

Key Pet Statistics

  • There are over one billion pets in the world and 150 million pets in the United States.
  • More than half of the global population has a pet in their home. 
  • In 2021, 70% of Americans had a pet in 2021.
  • Dogs are the most popular pets in the world with one in three homes having a dog.
  • Nearly one-quarter of homes in the world have a cat. 

How Many Pets are in the World & US in 2024?

pet owner

According to the statistics, there are over one billion pets in the world and 150 million cats and dogs in the United States.

More than half of the people on the globe have a pet in their home.

In homes in
China, the United States, and the EU alone, there are more than 500,000,000 cats and dogs. 

However, dogs are the most popular pet across the world with at least one in three homes having a dog.

Compare this with the quarter of the world having a cat. 

In 2016, in the United States, 68% of people had pets in their homes.

As of 2022, that percentage is 70%.

In America, there is a dog for every four of the population.

Overall, the United States has the most dogs (over 69 million) and cats (over 74 million). 

If there is anything to make the world seem harmonious and in unity, it’s pet ownership. 

(Health for Animals, Pet Secure)

How Many Homes in America Have a Pet?

pet at home

In the United States, more than 85 million homes have at least one cat or dog, according to an APPA (American Pet Products Association) study. 

Besides cats and dogs, the world pet population also includes animals like reptiles, fish, birds, rabbits, livestock, horses, hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, ferrets, iguanas, snakes, etc.

Let’s look at some of the facts and statistics about other kinds of pets.

So, the most common type of pet are mammals.

This can include pets like dogs, cats, mice, gerbils, rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, etc.  

After dogs and cats, hamsters are popular pets.

In America alone, an estimated 1.5 million homes have a pet hamster.

Hamsters are pretty easy to take care of and feed. Just remember, if you let it out, you could find yourself searching for your pet for some time. 

Interesting Pet Statistics from Around the World

Here are some general pet statistics from around the world:

  • Over one million American homes have a pet guinea pig.
  • In 2020, Canadians owned around 8.5 million pet fish. 
  • 4 million United Kingdom households have saltwater or freshwater fish.
  • Over 11 million Americans have fish as pets.
  • 9.9 million American homes have a bird.
  • There are an estimated 14 million pet rabbits hopping around in their household habitats.
  • During the pandemic, a 5% increase in households with backyard chickens was noticed.
  • An estimated 1.6 homes have pet horses. 
  • In 2022, 200 million pets ranging from mammals to reptiles were estimated in China households. 
  • An estimated 28.7 million pets live in Australian homes.
  • 47% of Romanian households have cats.
  • Romania and Poland tied at 42% of homes with dogs.
  • Dog ownership in Asia Pacific regions accounts for 42% while cats are at 26%.
  • 47% of households in Thailand have a dog.
  • 16% of households in Hong Kong own a dog.
  • 47% of Indonesian homes have a cat.

(Statista, World Animal Foundation, World Animal Foundation 2)

What Does the Global Pet Population Look Like?

population dogs

First, the United States is where people own the most pets, especially cats and dogs.

Brazil is second to the United States in dog ownership with 35 million domesticated dogs in homes.

Brazil ranks first in having the most small dogs per capita on the globe.

In terms of exotic pets, Brazil has the most unique number of animal pet species in the world.

It’s likely due to the country’s location. Brazil is in the Amazon basin, which has a rich and unique ecosystem.

It’s worth mentioning that Brazil has the largest variety of animal species on the planet.

China is second in terms of cat pet ownership.

During a brief time in 2019 China had more domesticated cats than the United States did.

Keep in mind that China has a population five times higher than the United States.

Recent data tells us that China has an estimated 53 million pet cats, which puts it in second place to the United States now.

Recent data shows that 59% of Russian households have pet cats, making it the country with the highest overall share of cat owners around the globe.

The highest pet reptile concentration is in the United Kingdom, which accounts for 1.45 million reptiles.

Moreover, there are 12.5 pet dogs, 500,000 pet pigeons, and 12.2 cats in households in the United Kingdom.

Italy takes first place in ornamental pet birds in the world with 12.88 million in households.

People in Italy also love their pet dogs, cats, and fish. Turkey follows Italy in second place for ornamental bird ownership at 11.2 million.

In contrast to most other countries, Spain has the lowest percentage of pet cats.

In France, pet cats outnumber pet dogs by 2 times with 15.1 million cats and 7.5 million dogs.

(World Population Review)

What are the Age Demographics for Pet Ownership?

In terms of age-related and generational pet ownership, Millennials have the most pets at 32% in the United States.

Baby Boomers come in second to Millennials in the United States with 27% of the pet ownership market share.

Gen Z has a 24% pet ownership share right behind Boomers. Gen X accounts for 16% of pet owners in the United States.

The Silent Generation, or Builder generation (pre-1945) have only a 3% market share in U.S. pet ownership.

(World Animal Foundation 2)


Now you know that the world has over one billion pets, mostly in homes across the globe.

Also, the United States is the country with the most household pets compared to other countries.

Do you have a pet?

Pets aren’t just dogs and cats.

Pets include other animals like fish, gerbils, hamsters, mice, snakes, reptiles, guinea pigs, etc.


Health for AnimalsPet SecureRSPCA
Simply InsuranceStatistaStatista 2
World Animal FoundationWorld Animal Foundation 2World Population Review