While many other factors have been added to the Google Core Algorithm over the years, strategic links have remained the backbone of any effective SEO campaign.

This is one of the quickest ways to build your site authority and rank higher on search engines.

What is a Link Building Strategy?

Link building is one of the most crucial parts of optimizing your pages for search engines, and no true SEO strategy can be complete without it.

While there are several ways to carry out link building, it generally involves strategically securing links back to your website.

Essentially, the more websites that link to you, the more authority your website gains.

This increased authority should help your pages climb higher in the search engine rankings.

Top Link Building Strategies to Try out in 2024

Repurposing Your Most Successful Content

One of the most common misconceptions about content is that it can only be used once, but this could not be further from the case.

There are several ways to reuse content without coming off as dull or merely repeating it, such as by reshaping it into something new.

link building

One great example of this is taking parts of a blog post and transforming them into an infographic with a link back to your website.

By creating a backlink this way, you can save time when creating new content while still being able to drive traffic to your website.

Get More Backlinks with the Help of Product Reviews

Google views customer feedback as one of the core aspects of search engine ranking, and this is hardly a surprise.

Naturally, the more positive reviews a product or website can garner, the more likely it is to get a higher ranking.

Today, several companies offer reviews for a wide variety of products, and getting a review for your website has never been easier.

If you can gather enough positive reviews, then this may quickly boost the authority of your site, allowing you to climb up the rankings in no time.

Seek for Chances for High-Quality Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is one of the most crucial tools in any effective SEO link building strategy, and we highly recommend that you try it out in the new year.

Generally, this form of building backlinks involves writing posts for different sites while ensuring to link back to your website in the content.

Depending on your needs, you may choose to write for niche webpages, or only go for popular blogs.

Discover Competitor’s Common Backlinks and Try to Get Them as Well

This is one of the most important new link building strategies you can try out in the coming year. Before you finalize your external link building strategy, it is extremely important to study your competitors. If you find that many sites are linking to your rivals for certain keywords, then there is a good chance that they will link to your content too.

Lost Links Reclaiming

While this is one of the more advanced link building strategies in SEO, it is also one of the easiest once you get your head around it.

Generally, reclaiming lost links involves discovering any backlinks that may have once pointed to your site but are now broken.

By being able to get these links redirecting to the right pages again, you can easily raise the authority of your site.


Turn Your Mentions into Backlinks

If your site already has a bit of authority within certain circles, then there may be several unlinked mentions of your brand throughout the net.

One of the easiest ways to boost your authority is to scour through for these mentions and reach out to the webmasters of these sites to ask for a backlink.

Testimonial Link Building

Much like product reviews, testimonials are a great way of using positivity to boost your search rankings.

This involves creating positive statements or comments about a particular product or service in your niche.

This allows you to get featured on a blurb on their webpage alongside a link pointing to your site.

Why Is It Better to Contact Professionals to Create and Implement Advanced Link Building Strategies for Your Website SEO?

While getting a few backlinks can be relatively easy, to climb up search engine rankings, you need a link building strategy that is not only effective but cohesive as well.

Unfortunately, this can be extremely difficult to acquire and requires a great amount of time and effort.

However, by contacting a professional, you can pay more attention to creating fantastic content while being sure that your SEO strategy will be well thought out and successful.

Final Thoughts

If you have never delved into the world of link building, then it may seem difficult to begin, but we highly recommend that you give it a go.

You must remember, the authority of a site is one of the most important factors that search engines consider when ranking pages, and there is no better way to build authority than through an effective link building strategy.