A strict workout routine demands time, which many of us struggle with. In this day and age, making time for a healthy lifestyle seems like an additional duty. This is probably why fitness is always pushed back over other important chores. But is that really beneficial in the long run? 

The answer is no! Physical movement is an absolute necessity and plays a huge role in keeping us healthy and fit. 

The truth is, we’ll always be busy, but prioritizing a healthy lifestyle choice will give you returns like no other! And if you agree (hi-five to that!), let’s give you ideas on how you can squeeze in effective five-minute workouts on busy days. 

1. High-Impact Workouts (HIIT)

Introducing any form of exercise in your daily routine requires you to reshuffle a few chores, here and there, but if you’re smart about it, the changes should not impact your daily life in any way. There is a misconception that you need to work out for hours for optimum results.

Let’s get that cleared out. You can still get similar results with shorter workouts. The key is to be consistent and follow a healthy diet that will help you achieve your weight loss and fitness goals.

Some bout exercises that you can add to your workout regime are push-ups, pull-ups, hip-hinge, squats, and planks, which can all be incorporated into a 10-15 minute High-Intensity Interval Training. So say goodbye to excuses, and start today. 

These basic movements will help you to activate your core muscles, strengthen them, boost your immune system, and improve your cardiovascular health.

The best news is that you don’t have to stick to this routine seven days a week. You can set out a time three to four times a week for the best results. 

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2. Cardio Exercises

Ever noticed office-goers using an electric assist bike to commute to work? Wondered why people would do that when they can drive or catch a bus, which clearly does not require you to expend much effort.

They choose to run or cycle to work because they are committed to healthier lifestyle choices. If you have less time and want every single muscle of your body to be impacted by your workout, choose cardio over everything.

Ten minutes of cardio every day is ideal for people of all ages and shapes irrespective of your current fitness levels. Yes, of course, not everyone has the same stamina and ease to run, cycle, or jump for 10 minutes without breaks. 

At the top of our list of cardio exercises is running. It activates every single muscle of your body, pumps your blood, and helps you sleep better too. Just wake up fifteen minutes earlier than your usual time. Take five minutes to get dressed and head out.

Run for ten minutes according to your convenience – you could sprint, jog, or even brisk walk if that’s easier.  As mentioned, earlier, another alternate choice is cycling at a higher level of intensity for about ten minutes. You could choose to cycle to work too! Perfect, right? 

Bust out some crunches or similar sets of exercises before you begin your bike journey for a more impactful workout. Focus on the rhythm of your ab contractions while you do your crunches, sit-ups, or push-ups, and watch how your stomach starts to shrink and tone. 

3. Walk More

Yes, you read that right. It’s pretty straightforward, just simply incorporate more steps into your daily living. Have to grab eggs from the grocery store? Just walk, instead of driving there. Any opportunity you get to do more steps, just grab it.

Take the stairs instead of the lift as many times as you can. We promise you may even be able to skip that morning workout if you’re actively choosing to walk more during the day. 

Use your weekends to stroll around. Cleaning the house can sometimes be a good workout too if you are focusing on the right movements. Another example of doing more steps is dancing.

Turn up the music while you’re cooking, and dance the night away, or for better productivity, dance while you clean. You’d be surprised at how many calories your dance moves can burn. 

Another genius idea is to wash your car yourself. It’s an excellent workout. You’d be sweating like a pig afterward but it’s well worth the effort. Work on your abs, glutes, and hamstrings, and stretch out your upper body muscles while you wipe your car. Clever, huh? 

4. Get Your Friends To Sign Up For A Weekend Yoga Class

When you don’t have time, you make time, especially for your friends. If you’re a busy person, you are already struggling to make time to socialize with your friends and family and also find the time to work out. 

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Turn your socializing time into a two-in-one activity. Reach out to your gang and let them know how you’ve been thinking of seeing them more frequently, and what better way than a yoga class? You’d be burning calories over poses and releasing endorphins over your chats. 

If you get bored, try joining a cycling group, or a dance class. And if you cannot get any of your friends to tag along, you can sign up for such physical fitness classes yourself. You never know, you may end up making new friends too.

Expanding your social circle and becoming acquainted with more people who believe in staying healthy and fit is a win-win situation. Furthermore, it’s a really fantastic way of getting enough exercise and maintaining a great work-life balance at the same time!


Exercising does not mean that you have to be a fitness freak. It can mean different things to different people. For some people, the purpose of exercise is to have better endurance, a toned body, improved stamina, etc. 

While for others, it’s more about better sleep and mental health. Remember, if you’re a working person, which means that you have 40-something hours dedicated to work on a weekly basis, you must allow your body enough rest as well. 

So, do not be hard on yourself, listen to the cues of your body, and take baby steps. Your main goal is to choose a workout routine that is easily doable and permits you to be consistent.