The global health system is constantly adapting to the changes brought by different factors like technological, demographic, and economic changes.

For Example, in some countries, the government has been implementing reforms that may have greatly affected their public health services.

These changes brought about by the increasing number of people, and the pressure to reduce the cost of public health care have developed a volatile environment for a county’s specific healthcare system.  

So, to cope with the changes, different sections of the group of people have had to adopt the style of business branding agency and management behaviors.

The agenda’s goal is a comprehensive strategy to transform the way health care is delivered, as it involves restructuring the way that it is organized and measured.

Balancing Change And Stability In Healthcare 

The concept of changing healthcare strategy is still in its early stages. Although, some organizations have already begun to implement the programs and are working toward establishing large-scale change. 

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How It Works 

Popular organizations in different countries have also made significant changes that have resulted in many improvements in efficiency and market share.

Because of that, the understanding of how to improve healthcare stability is now clear. Now, it is up to the organizations to lead the way and determine how to implement measures efficiently. 

However, although there is a lot of interest in strategic healthcare change, it is still very challenging to fully embrace the concept of value-based organizations.

Measuring Outcomes And Costs 

The most crucial principle in management is the ability to measure results. Teams can quickly improve their performance by comparing their efforts to those of their peers.

Analyzing and measuring the value of health care is also a vital step in improving its quality. 

Even in different countries, we can see that the program’s results improve regardless of the cost structure.

Unfortunately, most healthcare providers do not keep track of the outcomes and costs of their patient’s medical conditions. 

For instance, even though many hospitals have “back pain centers,” they do not always provide the necessary information about their patients’ conditions or the resources they use during the course of their treatment. 

This is a surprising fact that shows why the value of the system has remained the same despite the various changes that have occurred in the healthcare industry over the years.

Organizing Into Integrated Practice Units

The main goal of all stakeholders in changing the balance and stability of healthcare is to improve the value of their services to patients.

The meaning of this concept is the difference between the cost of achieving and the value that patients receive. 

But to achieve this, providers and other healthcare organizations must improve one or more of the outcomes they provide. If they fail to do it, it means that they have also failed to meet their obligations.

In addition to treating disease, IPUs also treat other conditions that can arise as a result of the illness. These include eye and kidney disorders for people with diabetes and metastatic cancer.

Besides providing treatment, IPUs are also responsible for engaging families and patients in their care. They can help patients develop effective behavioral changes, such as quitting smoking or losing weight.

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Defining The Goal Of Reforming Healthcare

Determining the first step to begin the goal is by addressing any issues that may occur during the process. In the case of healthcare changes, this has been hindered by the need for more clarity. 

Even when pursued correctly, narrow objectives, like efficiency improvement and cost control, might be a distraction.

Moreover, the goal of reforming access to healthcare is not to reduce costs but to deliver a service of high quality.

Besides, increasing profits is not the main interest of patients, as it does not efficiently improve the quality of care.

Who’s Going To Adopt? 

Strategies for healthcare organizations must be adopted by both the senior management and the board levels.

Although they are not against increasing outcomes, their main focus is maintaining profitability.

However, despite the sincere intentions of the organizations to improve, the work value still needs to be carried out. 

The legacy of structures, cost, and delivery methods that have always stayed the same for many years have contributed to the healthcare system’s unstable quality and high costs.


Changing the balance and stability of the healthcare system requires a comprehensive strategy from both providers and patients.

This is because only the physicians and the providers can lead the way in addressing the different factors that affect the value of care. However, other stakeholder organizations can also help speed the process.