Are you having trouble coming up with a suitable subject for a persuasive speech? We understand how difficult it is to come up with a subject that is both intriguing and relevant.

That’s why Write Essay For Me completed thorough research for you and compiled a list of 400+ persuasive speech ideas for students, instructors, and anybody else engaged in oral speaking.

They’re divided into sections to make it clearer and help you discover anything that piques your interest.

So, here are the most intriguing topics for persuasive speech. 

List Of Easy Speech Topics

What makes a simple speech topic? As a rule, schoolers or preschoolers need some topics to present their speeches to the class.

Here is a list of easy speech topics that every kid is familiar with, focusing on pets and animals

  • Pets are not exotic creatures.
  • Cats aren’t as good as dogs.
  • Humans have mutated pit bulls into demons.
  • It is necessary to caponize pets.
  • The secret to obtaining a pet is to adopt rather than shop.
  • Sanctuaries do not provide adequate room for animals.
  • Dolphins are very clever animals.
  • Birds aren’t supposed to be kept in cages.
  • Dogs who have attacked more than once should be put down.
  • Zoos are more harmful than helpful.

It’s simple to develop a speech topic if you’re interested in and knowledgeable about a specific subject.

When a topic isn’t complicated, it’ll be a breeze to generate an engaging, captivating speech to surprise and please your audience. 

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What Are Some Easy Persuasive Speech Topics?

A persuasive speech is one in which the speaker attempts to persuade the listeners to feel the same way, perform the same action, or embrace a particular viewpoint or cause.

Here are some examples of easy persuasive speech topics covering the school-related subjects.

  • Examinations don’t always reflect a student’s true abilities. 
  • Uniform is required for all students.
  • Marketing in schools must be prohibited.
  • Soda must be prohibited in schools.
  • Standard schooling is preferable to homeschooling.
  • French fries must not be served in schools.
  • Students ought to be permitted to drop out of school at 14 to pursue a vocation.
  • Sex education does not belong in school.
  • Attending college does not guarantee a bright future.
  • History texts aren’t always accurate.
  • All pupils must learn a second language.

Persuasive speech is utilized when speakers want to persuade their audience to believe their speech or views.

Their purpose is to encourage or persuade others to agree with a particular viewpoint. Moreover, persuasive speech may take several forms, one of which is advertising.

A Collection Of Easy Informative Speech Topics


Informative speaking focuses on discussing events, people, processes, locations, or things. Moreover, it may be hard to educate a group of people about these topics without becoming pushy.

Here are examples of easy informative speech topics about education. 

  • There is a valuable lesson to be learned outside the school.
  • The value of education in advancing one’s career.
  • Advantages of online learning vs. traditional classroom.
  • Is it appropriate for instructors and students to interact on media platforms?
  • What does the future hold for education?
  • Can students be assigned homework at school?
  • Which is a better measurement for success: theoretical or practicing?
  • How to use web-based learning to succeed in college? 
  • Different types of teaching and learning.

The primary objectives of an informative speech are to clarify a topic and allow the audience to retain what they’ve learned afterward.

A Breakdown of Persuasive Topics for Speech

A persuasive speech is a communication piece in which the narrator attempts to persuade the listeners to agree with their viewpoint.

Here are some examples of persuasive topics for speech.

  • How do you talk comfortably in front of an audience?
  • Will penalizing bullies make a difference?
  • Do a child’s value is determined only by their test results?
  • How can you get over your phobia of math?
  • Is it true that video games encourage violence?
  • Is it necessary for schools to have more recess time?
  • What is the ideal age to obtain a cellphone?
  • Should swimming classes be required in schools?
  • How can you get rid of test hiccups?
  • Which is better: printed books or electronic books?

These are just a few examples of persuasive topics you may use to encourage your audience to believe in your ideas.

Top Persuasive Speech Ideas You Should Consider

You may find a plethora of relevant persuasive topics using newspapers, television, and social media sites.

So, to simplify them, we’ve put up a list of persuasive speech ideas that encompass a wide variety of topics. 

Persuasive speech ideas for business:

  • Is it possible that having a company makes you feel insecure?
  • Is it true that introverts make outstanding leaders?
  • What is behind the increase in energy rates?
  • Should interns be compensated for their time and effort?
  • Is it true that employing inexpensive foreign workers undermines the economy?
  • Is it necessary to give a tip at restaurants?
  • Should workers be rewarded if they walk or bike to work?

Persuasive speech ideas for ethics:

  • Is it ethical to make prostitution legal?
  • Should individuals who have had several DUIs have their license suspended?
  • Should weapons be prohibited in the United States?
  • Is it true that equality is a misconception?
  • Should marijuana be legalized for medical use?
  • Is there ever a justified reason to engage in war?
  • Does the definition of “good” and “bad” evolve throughout time?

Knowing what kind of persuasive speech ideas are available may assist you in creating compelling information.

What Are the Best Persuasive Speech Topics?


Persuasive speeches are meant to convince the audience about some point and engage the readers or listeners into the problem.

Here’s a list of the best persuasive speech topics.

Persuasive topics for policy speeches for University Students:

  • Automobile racing should be prohibited in high-populated regions.
  • Drug legislation for domestic abuse.
  • Equal treatment in the workplace.

The best persuasive speech topics for public speaking:

  • Can cursive writing still be taught in schools?
  • Should inmates have the right to vote?
  • What kind of sustainable power is the most efficient?

With this list at hand, you’re likely to excel in speech writing and engage your audience with strong arguments and a personal appeal.

Choose any of the presented topics, focus on a good structure and impactful argumentation, and you’re guaranteed to succeed as a public speaker.