Regardless of what industry you work in, outsourcing in any capacity is always guaranteed to come with its fair share of obstacles. But it just so happens that one of the most daunting professional tasks to outsource also happens to be amongst the most commonly outsourced projects across the globe. We are, of course, talking about app development.

Successfully outsourcing an app development project requires some strategic planning, both when it comes to finding the perfect development team as well as providing that team with all the information they need to bring your app idea to life. 

So how exactly can you give your development project the best possible chance of producing a game-changing app? The tips we’ve outlined below may just help you see your app development project become a genuine success.

Select A Development Team With A Suitable Background

When selecting an ideal development team, it pays to look for app development agencies who aren’t so much ‘offshore’ as they are ‘nearshore’. For instance, any looking to develop an app in Oceania may opt to go with Melbourne-based app developers DreamWalk Apps, both because of the agency’s diverse development portfolio as well as their proven track record to work with tech entrepreneurs and deliver finished products that are totally in alignment with project briefings.

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There are, however, other benefits to going with a nearshore team rather than an offshore or more international team. Arguably the most important pro revolves around logistics and communication. With a nearshore development team, you won’t have to worry too much about language barriers or even differing time zones that may lead to your project being drawn out over a longer timeline. 

That being said, selecting the right development team isn’t always just about finding the perfect fit with regards to experience or background. Time and money are still incredibly important factors to consider when planning out an app development project, especially for start-up enterprises or small business owners.

This is precisely why many business owners may be prompted to look to central Europe or Asia to find their ideal development team for projects on a strict budget. If you do decide to go for an international agency, we highly recommend thoroughly exploring their portfolios in order to determine whether or not they can produce a high quality app to fit the market niche you’re looking to fill.

If there aren’t any past projects that fit the style or tone you’re looking for, it may be worth searching elsewhere for your ideal app development team, even if you may be paying a little extra for your project to be completed to a higher standard. 

Communicate Openly With Your Development Team

One of the most common pitfalls that can be encountered when developing an app with a remote development team, is simply a lack of clarity around the scope and purpose behind your project. App development projects thrive on open communication between business owners and the developers tasked with bringing a particular app idea to life.

After all, it stands to reason that the more open your relationship is with your development team, the more likely they’ll be able to create an end product that aligns with your personal preferences.

For this reason, it’s always recommended that business owners start developing their project briefings well before they even select a development team. Having preliminary planning and briefs at your disposal and a very clear understanding of the user needs you’re hoping to fulfil through your app, may also make your business look like a more attractive client to development agencies themselves, as many agencies who do work with international clients have learnt to value easy and considerate communication. 

Alongside this, it’s best to keep in mind that your app development team is likely delivering an end product that they feel fits best with the information you’ve provided them with.

If you’re unhappy with any aspect of the work being presented to you by your development team, then you should feel encouraged to voice your concerns as they arise rather than waiting till further down the road, when it may prove to be more difficult to rectify these grievances.

Create Clear Cut Project Contracts And Payment Schedules

Contrary to popular belief, app development projects tend to involve a wide variety of professionals, spanning from software developers and UX/UI designers, straight through to administrative staff, marketing specialists, and project managers and directors.

There are naturally also financial and legal aspects involved in creating and completing an app development project, especially if you’re working with an offshore development team.

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You’ll want to ensure that your development project is supported with clear cut project contracts alongside thorough briefings, just to ensure that both your business and your remote development team and their representatives, are all on the same page with regards to your project’s working schedule and deliverables. 

As for the financial aspects of organising your project, you don’t want you nor your development team feeling short-changed at any given point during devs work, which is precisely why designing a payment schedule or pay structure that both parties can sign off on is imperative.

Having an understanding of what each phase of your development project is likely to cost you may also help you make a final selection from your shortlisted app development agencies, if you’re yet to finalise contracts at this preparatory stage. 

Remember that it’s always best to try and strike a balance between your selected development team’s experience within your market niche as well as the fees they are likely to charge over the course of your app development project.

Maintain Reasonable Expectations

Finally, one of the most important elements of successfully outsourcing an app development project is simply maintaining realistic expectations surrounding the project’s timeline for completion. If your development team has stated that they need a certain period of time to deliver on the work you’ve asked for, then it’s your responsibility to organize your own launch timeline in accordance with this schedule. 

It’s also worth maintaining reasonable expectations over the first few weeks or perhaps even months of your project’s development. It can be all too easy to expect a fully functional prototype straight away, but the fact of the matter is that app development takes time.

After all, you ideally want to see function over form to begin with anyway. Believe us when we say there’ll be plenty of leeway for fine-tuning your app’s UX design once the actual interface has been fully fleshed out by your development team first.


As you can see, there are more moving parts to outsourcing an app development project than simply communicating to developers alone. When you outsource any professional project to a third-party company, you’re essentially partnering up with a body that would be totally removed and autonomous from your own if it weren’t for this project tying you together.

It’s important to keep in mind that your app development team will likely have their own schedules and additional responsibilities outside of your development project. 

By keeping this in mind, you may be able to offer them more valuable feedback at appropriate points over the course of your perfectly scheduled app development project.