Finding out that your partner is having an affair can be devastating and hurting. It is only fair to expose their infidelity and heal from it as soon as possible. Fine-drawn signs and stalking them through their friends is just not enough.

Here are some foolproof ways to catch a cheater.

Signs That Your Spouse May Be Cheating

Instincts are usually the first to warn you that your spouse may be cheating. In most cases, they do not lie.

You know your partner best, and perhaps, the first person to discover when something about them seems off.

Trusting your instincts, however, is not enough to label your spouse as a cheater. These signs are your answer for how to catch someone cheating.

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They Will Keep Their Phone with Them

Not having your gadgets by your side for a day makes the day feel longer. If your significant other (SO) overdoes it, he’s probably worried about you catching him cheating.

They also seem to panic whenever you pick their phone or laptop.

They Seem to Be Texting a Lot

When someone has just begun cheating, the ‘new love’ is fiery. They will, therefore, tend to text their secret partner a lot. You should notice them texting longer than usual.

They Spend a Lot of Time on Social Media

If your partners refuse to listen, respond, or accept what you say because they are on social media, it could be a sign of infidelity.

For this reason you have to know how to log into someone’s instagram to check their fidelity.

They are Hard to Reach

Noticing lies or avoidance is the best method to catch a cheating spouse. Dishonesty is always a red flag in relationships.

They Change How They Use Technology

Infidelity is mostly revealed using technology. These differences in your partner’s use of technology should warrant concern.

  • A change of passwords on social media apps.
  • Erasing their browsing history.
  • Sneaking off to answer calls.
  • Whispering when picking calls.

There’s Someone New They Can’t Stop Talking About

When your partner starts bringing up someone else of the opposite sex more often, that’s a red flag that they might be having an affair.

How to Catch a Cheater Using the Most Effective Ways

The self-same technology that makes it possible for infidelity to slither around undetected also helps a lot to catch someone cheating.

We’ve conducted research and come up with the top five methods proven by others to be effective.

Check Their Cloud Services

Checking their iCloud services lets you see everything that they uploaded, even after they have deleted it.

If your SO’s Cloud has never been linked to your device, it might be hard to access their cloud services.

Learn Their GPS Location

Knowing your partner’s location can reveal when they’re cheating. However, if your spouse visits the same location frequently, that’s not enough to label them as cheaters.

Look for Digital Receipts

Digital receipts are the low-key giveaways of a chisel. They will show accurate information on how and where your SO withdraws or spends money.

You might, however, need their credentials to gain access.

Install a Hidden Camera

A nanny camera can work as your third eye. It provides concrete proof of your spouse cheating on you.

Concealing it in the most inconspicuous place may be difficult. You will have to watch live feeds to look for sneaky activities.

Download a Spy App

Using spying apps is what would guarantee results. mSpy is the world’s most popular spying app for a reason.

It is trustworthy and recommended by many users. mSpy was built for parental monitoring of devices.

Its next-level features enable you to spy on the target device effortlessly. It is an all-in-one activity tracker.

mSpy helps you stalk them on social media platforms, check their location, and monitor their online activities.

You can sign up for mSpy for free to access all its tracking features for seven days. Setting up an account with mSpy is as easy as signing up with your email.

After downloading the app, install it on your partner’s devices and track their every move.

The app runs in the background, so you won’t have to worry about your spouse finding out that you’re trying to spy on them.


Utilizing the last method will help you ensnare and catch a cheating partner in the act. Our verdict on the best way to catch a cheating partner is by using mSpy.

It gives accurate results beyond any reasonable doubt. Remember, life goes on, but only if you let it.